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"What's he talking about?" Luther asked, eyes darting between the two boys.

"Does it matter? It's Klaus." Rin slapped Five's arm on her brother's behalf, the boy giving her a defensive glare. "What do you guys want?" He finally asked, turning to the two who could actually give him some plausible answers.

"We have some updates on Mom." Rin piped up. "She may have had something to do with Dad's death." She tried to read Five's face for any sort of reaction. Nothing came.

"We need you to come back to the Academy. It's important." Luther added on.

Five scoffed, much to their disbelief. "It's important." He mocked. "You have no concept of what's 'important.'" His jaw set tightly as he stared at the two, glaring with all of his might. It was Rin's turn to scoff, about to start yelling when Klaus shouted behind her.

"Did I ever tell you guys about the time I waxed my ass with chocolate pudding?" He said carelessly and Rin was so caught off guard she almost sputtered a laugh. But instead she let her head hang and sighed deeply while Klaus giggled. "It was so painful!" He laughed.

"What are you still doing here?" Luther snapped. Klaus' smile fell in an instant.

"What?" He held a hand to his heart. "I need an excuse to hang out with my family now?" Klaus feigned offense.

"We're trying to have a serious conversation."

"I'm incapable of being serious? Is that what you're saying?"

"Right now, you are." Rin barked, surprising all of them. She turned to her brother, who must have expected her to have his back. "Get out." She practically begged, expression stone cold. Klaus' mouth hung open.

The car's side door slid open and Klaus stumbled out, defeat on his face. "Fine!" He shouted into the car before slamming it shut. Rin watched him as he walked off, assuming he was going back home and she suddenly felt a tad guilty. His purple scarf, which she hadn't noticed before, flew behind him in the breeze.

"What the hell are you up to?" Luther demanded, squirming in his seat and pushing Rin flush against Five's arm. She glared at him, trying to wiggle her way out from between them. It was no use, really. She was stuck. And so was Five.

"You wouldn't understand." Five's voice was strained as he shoved Rin in the opposite direction. She groaned, swatting his hands away and forcing him against the driver's door. The two shared a similar look of over exaggerated disgust. "Stop." he mumbled, to which Rin mocked him in a teasing voice.

"Try me. Last I checked, I'm still the leader of this family." Luther stared at the childlike bickering unfolding a few feet away, scared of escalating it and having to separate two angrily clawed cats.

Five shook his head, letting Rin have her victory. "Last I checked, I'm twenty-eight years older than you." He argued.

Luther could sense the smug grin on his brother's face in the few moments of silence he took to register what he'd said. Rin wanted to bicker further but decided against it. "You know what your problem is?" Luther leaned past Rin, staring Five right in his menacing eyes.

"Really hoping you'll tell me!" The sarcasm dripped from Five's voice like sticky honey. Luther sighed, but didn't comment on his disrespectful behavior. It was Five, what else did he expect?

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