Finding the one

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AHH! Who could be taking so much damage so soon?? My heart drops as I come to a scary realization. "Oh no.... What if it's....... Scar...." If it is scar, I don't know what I'll do.
"Well, may as well get going on a starter base." I say as I head off to the mountains to collect stone and coal.

I hear a goat behind me "OH! I forgot about the new update!" I stand In front of him, next to a wall, aaannnddddddd...... JUMP!
I hear his head smash into the wall and his horn fall off and clatter on the ground. I quickly pick it up and blow it. Its ponder, my favorite!

"Hey Grian!" I hear a voice from behind me, so sudden it makes me jump.
"AHHH! O-Oh, Scott! You scared me!"
"Haha sorry Grian. Have any idea who your soulmate is yet?" His question makes me groan, "Well, based on that reaction and your pained face, I'm assuming it's Scar?"
"Well, I don't know for sure yet, but whoever it is, keeps taking damage alot" as I say that I start taking damage from starvation, "OH CRAP" I franticly run over to my chest and get some cooked chicken, stuffing it in my face.
"Yep. Sounds like Scar. Well," he pats me on the back, "good luck buddy. If it is him, you'll definitely be needing it."
"Yeah....." I sigh, "While you're here wanna get goat horns?"
"Sure, why not."

We spent a while trying to taunt the goats, with no luck.
"Well that was a massive waste of time"
"No kidding" I say looking down at the two horns we got, "you want one?" I ask, offering one of the bad ones.
"Sure! Thanks Grian!" He says, taking it from my hand.
"Oh he guys!" I hear from down the mountain.
"Hey Big B, hey Tango!" I say running down to them. "you find your soulmate yet?"
"no, not yet. How about you guys?"
"Nope." Scott runs over and punches Big B, "Dang"
My heart sank a little, as I kinda wanted to be soulmates with Big B, but it's starting to look like I'm gonna be stuck with Scar...
"Well, I'm gonna head on my way. Gotta go find my soulmate" I say as I head down the mountain, tooting my horn to cheer myself up as I go look for Scar.

"Well, I think his soulmate is scar." I can hear Scott say as I walk away.
"Oh no.... Hope he dosnt die first session" i hear tango whisper.


"Hmm- oh hey grian!"
I run over to him, catching my breath as I lean on his shoulder "God I've been looking for you for a whole day!"
"Heh, sorry about that buddy. What'd you need?"
I feel my heart racing in fear of being correct. "Uhhhh... Yeah. I've been punching everyone and haven't found my soulmate yet. So uh...."
Right as I say that, he smacks me in the face with a fish..... And he also takes damage...

My heart sinks. I'm stuck with the only person on this server that's got a PhD in dying on Minecraft.....
"HEY! Were soulmates!" he says, not a hint of dread in his voice.
"Y-Yeah... We are..." I groan
"Hey, I know I can be clumsy, but I promise I'll be careful this season."
"Don't you say that every season though?"
"Uhhhh...." he avoids eye contact and quickly changes the subject, "Anyways, where do you wanna make the base? I mean, we should base together since were soulmates."
Ii facepalm at his avoiding the issue at hand and point over into the birch forest, "Do you think you can collect some birch wood and drip stone for me?"
"Yep! Sure thing!"
"Actually, I'll get the drip stone. Don't need you falling on it."
"Uh... Yeah." I can see hes hurt.
"How about we do both together and I can keep an eye on you?" I ask him out of pity.
This seems to cheer him up at least a little and he agrees.

Scars P.O.V.

I know hes just concerned about dying, but him treating me like a baby doesn't hurt any less. I don't want to be a burden on him, but I still want to help him. "Yeah... That sounds like a good idea..."
He heads over to the birch forest and I follow close behind, being extra careful not to fall too far.

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