007. Sickness and in Health

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~Sickness and in Health~

~Sickness and in Health~

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"Margaret, gather everyone for my big announcement." Athena happily spoke as she looked at the older woman.

"Of course, Lady Thornhart." Margaret nodded, leaving the room.

A lot had changed in just a couple of months for the Thornharts. Ever since the wedding, Daniel and Athena have officially started living in the Thornhart mansion. Knowing Daniel didn't have a wealthy background, it was agreed they would stay in the house.

News had spread throughout the little town. Some believe that the Thornhart mansion was given to the couple as a wedding gift. That once Rachel and Francis were no longer on this earth, Athena would take the house as her own.

Athena's life turned into a complete 180. Francis was a more attentive, loving father. This was all she could have dreamed of. Her father being proud of her and being there for her like it was before Persephone was born and it was all thanks to Daniel himself.

But as much as Persephone wanted her sister living with her, she didn't like having Daniel around the house. Tension grew in the house and it was rare to see Persephone and Francis in the same room together. The marriage took a strain to not only her and Francis but with her sister as well.

Athena was fully aware of what went down on her wedding day and she didn't take Persephone's comment lightly. Ever since then, Athena has been giving Persephone the cold shoulders—that is if she ever apologizes for her outburst. But they knew how hard headed Persephone was and she wasn't going to apologize to no one. As days went by, Athena was more focused on marriage than her sister.

Athena's smile grew more as her family gathered around the room, wanting to know what was so important. She hoped with the news she was going to bring in, her family would unite as one.

"I'm happy to see you guys all in one room." Athena began as Daniel wrapped his arms around her shoulder. 

Athena craved a family bond and she was happy to see her family all in one room together, even if it meant by force.

"Athena, what's this all about?" Francis asked, crossing his arms.

"Well, we wanted to tell you guys at the right moment and Athena and I believe this is the perfect time to make this announcement." Daniel smiled, looking at his new family members.

Persephone rolled her eyes, wanting them to announce whatever they were going to announce so that she could leave. It was bad enough she had to live with them, she didn't need to be in a room with them much longer than she would want.

"Well, go on then. What's this big announcement?" Rachel added.

Daniel and Athena both smiled at each other before facing their family. "We're having a baby!"

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