Chapter 20: Echoes of The Past

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Tommy cackled, pounding his wings harder and shooting ahead of his brother, "I am the biggest of corvids! Fuck you magpie bitch!"

"GET BACK HERE GREMLIN!" Wilbur crowed, inner bird twittering in joy as he flew faster to tackle his brother in the sky.

The younger laughed, batting at him playfully with his talons before kicking him off and soaring again.

"Boys, quit play fighting in the sky!" Quackity called after them. "Stay together!"

"Yes Q!" Both corvid avians shouted back, falling back into flight next to the villain.

His partner shifted his wings, looking just as excited as Wilbur felt. Honestly, he was even surprised that Quackity was going through with this. The magpie avian knew that personally, he'd never want to go back to places that he experienced trauma. Then again, he supposes the shrike avian was young at the time.

Also anger. And spite.

Okay so maybe it was a bit less surprising, knowing Quackity. His partner was the type who faced trauma head on with a sharp grin and determination in his gaze. He was headstrong like that, it was a quality he admired in the shrike avian. It just felt strange sometimes since Wilbur handled his issues differently.

He was getting better, and he could not be more grateful to the villain for pulling him out of his old 'ignore it until you can't anymore' mindset. But sometimes it was just...hard to face.

He supposes that's one of the reasons why he admires his sunrise so much. The other just never seemed to struggle like that.

Then again, he's been a villain for much longer than the magpie avian has. So it was understandable.

Wilbur had always enjoyed flying at night, the city never sleeps but it's surprisingly peaceful. The noise never faded, but it did get quieter. And without the sun to beat down him, he felt like he could see anything from up here. He never really stopped to appreciate the beauty of the city while he was a hero, never stopping long enough to really take it all in. How the lights would shine like beacons down below as the cool night air ruffled his feathers like a playful friend.

The magpie avian drifted away from the group for a second, tilting his wings to turn slightly so he could get a bit of distance.

"Wil?" He heard Quackity call for him, but his inner bird wanted to enjoy this.

The magpie chirped in delight, spreading its wings as Wilbur shot higher in the sky.

He wanted to fly as high as he could go.

Ignoring the soft calls of his flock, the magpie avian tunneled visioned slightly as his instincts demanded. The wind ruffled his hair and the feathers of his wings as he climbed higher in the sky, just enjoying the feeling. The air only got colder the further he went up, but the noises of the city seemed to also get distant. While he felt the air nipping at his skin with a slight bite, he steadily felt more peaceful.

It always felt nice telling gravity to go fuck itself.

Wilbur could see the edges of his vision get a bit fuzzy as the oxygen became thinner, having not given his body enough time to adjust to the changes in the air. But still, he flew up. He flew until he swore he could faintly see the glimmer of stars in the sky before he tilted back and stopped moving his wings.

Gravity tilted as it reclaimed its hold on him, pulling him down as he enjoyed the weightless feeling of falling. His wings were pressed into his sides as he let himself fall, hair and feathers jostled by the rushing winds.

He closed his eyes and smiled.

The fallen hero was at peace.

Instinct took hold as he turned and snapped his wings back out, soaring as he chased the low adrenaline in his veins. He dipped and dove, twirling through the open skies with nothing but pure instinctive flying. He pulled into a few loops, letting himself forget which way was up and which was down as his magpie moved his wings however it damn well pleased.

You Were Never Meant to be a Hero (Quackbur Superhero AU)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن