New School New Friend

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This is Irene


So today is my first day at my new school.. Really nervous because I just know that I'm going to act like myself. I try to be invisible but that's not going to happen for this occasion..

"Irene! Hurry up! We're going to be late!" Ashley yells from top of the stairs. My sister takes me to school sometimes but I mostly take the bus.

"I'm coming!" I yelled back. I grabbed my bag and hurried down stairs.

When I got down stairs I saw my mother sitting at the kitchen table drinking her coffee and reading a book.

"Love you mom." I kissed her cheek and ran out the door with my sister waiting by her car. My sister was already outside, waiting for me to hurry up.

"Get in." I did as I was told and buckled up. It was about 10 minutes until we arrived at the new school. Nerves hit my stomach in an instant. "You ready?" I looked my sister like she was crazy. I shook my head. "To bad. Now go." She says with annoyance in her voice. I mumbled a 'Fine' and unbuckled my seat belt and got out of the car.

Now I was on the school ground.. I slowly started walking towards the school.

After I got my schedule and my locker number, plus the combination. I was opening up my locker when someone comes over to me.

"You must be the new kid. I'm Debbie." A girl with red-ish brown hair with brown eyes.  I smiled "Yes, I'm Irene. Nice to meet you."

"You seem cool. What classes do you have?" She asks taking my schedule. She smiles. "We have 1st, 2nd, and 4th together. I'll show you the first two periods."

"Thank you." I smiled big. I made my first friend on the first day. YES!!

After the first two periods were over, it was now lunch. I've been starving. I didn't eat breakfast.

At lunch.

I was looking for a spot to sit but I then spotted Debbie. I made my way towards her.

"Hey Debbie. Can I sit here with you?" I ask looking at her. She smiles.

"Sure." I sat down by her. We started eating our lunches when a boy comes towards the table.

"Hey, ladies." I'm guessing he's the player type/a flirt. He looks at me and says "And who are you?" He says with a smirk.

"I'm Irene." I gave a small smile.

"I'm Carl. I'll be seeing you around a lot more." He smirks and then winks. With that he turned around and leaves.

I could tell, he's trouble.


Carl GallagherWhere stories live. Discover now