Chapter 20. Battle for Tokyo

Start from the beginning

Mechanist/Liberty Prime :,,Hello brother..... look at how useless you are."

Iron Man POV.

Me, Mei, Sentry and Thor flew through the air as fast as we could towards the position of Raid Team 1. We sped up to mach 2 and saw the factory coming into view but just as we were about to land we saw soldiers and some of the heroes running out of the building. We landed infront of them but they just ran past us besides one man, rough looking man with blonde hair and a 3 day beard, he stopped infront of us panting gun in hand that was the famous SAS commander Sharpe if I remember correctly.

Sharpe :,,We were to late the Mechanist activated his robot."

Iron Man :,,Were is All Might and Endeavor?"

Sharpe :,,They covered our retreat and held off the robots don't know if they are still alive. They already killed the Platoon of SFGp soldiers 3 Heroes and around 20 of my man."

Thor :,,Then let's go down there and help them in the fight."

Sentry :,,Yeah!"

Thor and Sentry rushed past Sharpe towards the building but just as they were about to enter the already pretty destroyed building blew up. Soldiers and heroes threw themselves on the ground covering their head with their hands as debry and other things flew over their heads. Thor and Sentry withstood the explosion but were pushed back a few feet by the force of the explosion. Me, Mei and Sharpe weren't that strong sadly and were thrown to the ground pretty roughly. There was alot of smoke and we could hear quite alot of screaming from some of those who got injured by the explosion. I got up and helped Sharpe to his feet as I looked towards Thor and Sentry I saw them looking at something smoking right infront of them. I walked over to them and looked at the ground infront of me, Mei was behind me and I could hear her helmet opening as she pucked.

Sharpe :,,Well now we know what happened to Endeavor or atleast to one half of him."

Right before our feet layed the corpse of Endeavor he was ripped apart his remaining organs slowly sliding out of his upper body. His face showed extreme pain, his mouth wide open blood and puke covering his mouth down to his chest, his eyes nearly coming out of his skull that's how wide open they were.

The Hellfire Hero: Endeavor the number 2 of Japan was no more.

Thor :,,Who..."

Thor was interrupted by as a metal hand came out of the ground before slamming into the ground before them turning the remaining corpse of Endeavor into a bloody puddle. The ground beneath the hand cracked as another hand came out of the hole slamming into the other side of the hole. Something came out slowly at first you could see the elbows and then a massive body, we all took a step back as a massive body started to rise out from the hole. The robot managed to hoised itself out of the hole and now stood 13 meter tall infront of us looking down on us.

Mechanist/Liberty Prime :,,Well, well who do we have here.... the Avengers."

No one POV.

With the Unstoppables:

Punisher :,,Doesn't that thing goes any faster?"

Silver Shroud :,,We already drive around 150 km/h, I can't go any faster here."

Punisher just nodded and just sat back in his seat besides Technoblade who was reading the Art of War by Sun Tzu. Deadpool for once was silent what was unusual, Manta Man was also silent and just leaned on his trident while they drove. The Inspector, Toga and Byakko looked like they were about to puke probably because they weren't use to this kind of speed. Silver Shroud just kept his eyes on the road dodging cars in his way.

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