47. anessa

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kaylens pov:

the next morning when i woke up rafe wasn't beside me?

i looked around for a cute little note that he leaves when he needs to go but therw wasn't one..

i pull out my phone to text him.

me: hi where did you go?

no reply.

i then see i have a text from trever. thats weird i haven't talked to him in ages

hey, ik we haven't hung out in awhile and its late rn but would you wanna hang soon? i miss you <3

last time we hung out was super fun and i miss it lmao

me: hey trever :) im actually busy today im so sorry

thats a lie. i wasn't busy, i just didn't want to lead him on when i didn't like him like that.


i got out of bed and got ready then had breakfast.

i was currently sat on the couch with sarah, since topper wasn't up yet.

"wheres rafe?" she asks. i shrug "i dont know, he wasn't there when i woke up. he didn't answer my texts either" i say. "oh, thats weird" she says. i nod.

"our dad probably just called him or something" she says. "maybe.." i say.

"how are you and topper going?" i ask. "were good." she says. "good? whats that mean?" i ask. "i dunno, we are fine.." she says.

"uh oh" i say. "whaaat" she says. "what that mean" i ask. "i dont know, we fight sometimes but thats normal for all relationships." she says. "oh.. okay" i say.

"well you treats you good though right?" i ask. "yeah, really good.. sometimes i dont think i treat him the best though" she says.

"hm?" i ask. "i dont know i feel like i just, i mess up to much" she says. "sarah we all mess up its okay" i say.

"no but.. topper never messes up its always me" she says. "i call bullshit" she says. "he has to mess up sometimes." i say.

she shrugs


its been a couple hours and sarah left so now i was watching a movie in the basement while topper sat beside me, on his phone.

rafe still hasn't answered me and i was getting worried, he would never leave without saying anything.

i tell topper im leaving and i drive to the camerons.

i walk in and go up to rafes room. he is laying in his bed. "why didn't you tell me you were leaving? i was worried" i say as i sit beside him.

he doesn't answer he just shrugs. "do you not feel well?" i ask. he nods.

hes not acting normal

i lean down to kiss him and when i pull away i almost gag "fucking gross rafe! you taste like whiskey!" i say.

" you cheated on me i had to feel okay!" he says. "what are you talking about? are you drunk?" i ask.

"trever! whats going on with you and him?!" he asks. "nothing! i dont like trever i dont know what you are talking about!" i say.

"he texted you! with fucking hearts and said i miss you and shit!" rafe says as he stand up.

"sit the fuck back down i cant yell at you when your taller then me!" i say as i slightly push him back on the bed to be sitting.

"first of all, thanks for invading my privacy and reading my text messages! second off, we are friends! friends rafe! just like you're friends with all those other random girls! and for your information i told him i didn't want to hang out today. you know why? because i didn't want to lead him on because i love you rafe. thanks for fucking ignoring me and getting drunk!" i say.

"fuck- kaylen, im sorry for doing that. i didn't know" he says. "whatever you're just fucking dumb" i say as i sit on his bed.

"im sorry" he says as he kisses my cheek. "dont kiss me while you are drunk you know damn well i dont like it" i say.

"im not fucking drunk!" he says. "dont lie to me, i know you rafe!" i say.

i spot a water bottle. "drink this, sober up" i say.

he sighs as he drinks the water. "now take a nap or something" i say.

"cant, i gotta get ready for my friends birthday party. you wanna come with?" he asks.

"which friend?" i ask. "anessa" he says. "anessa? whos that?" i ask. he shrugs "some girl my dad worked with her dad, we just kinda got along" he asks.
"just got along? rafe whats that mean?" i ask. "dont get all jealous and shit, you have so many friends who are guys. trever, kelce, john b, jj, pope" he says.

"okay first off, kelce is only my friend because of you and topper, trever, im seriously trying to cut him off okay, john b, jj, pope, they are 16 fucking years old! i look at them like i look like topper they are literally like my literally brothers!" i say.

"a-and all your friends that are fucking girls, a-and there all hot! all your age, and all flirt with you all the damn time!" i say.

"jesus christ calm down!" he yells. "go to you friends birthday. im going home" i say.

he grabs my wrist and pulls me back.

"dont fucking touch me!" i say as i yank my arm away. "why cant you ever listen to me!? you never fucking trust me!" he yells.

"no rafe i dont trust you. i dont i really dont" i say calmly. "especially not when you're drunk" i add.

"stop fucking talking, just shut the hell up." he sighs.

"stop it! just stop literally leave me the fuck alone!" i snap.

he pushes me against the wall and yells "dont fucking disrespect me like that i do so much for you kaylen, so fucking much" he says.

i can smell the whiskey on his breath and squint my nose shut.

"rafe please. im trying so hard to stay with you because i love you, a-and i need you but i cant do this" i cry out.

he walks away from me and groans as he paces around his room.

"have fun at aneesas" i say as i quickly leave the room.


uh oh

it is bad that i like writing for them better when there toxic 🫣

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