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Ranboo woke up what he thought was the next day, he opened his phone to see the day, it's been 3 days, was he sleeping for 3 days? Surely not??

He decided to buy a camera to see what was happening to him, he didn't like seeing himself, especially on a video, but he was curious.


The camera arrived the next day. (no one was really ordering anything recently :) he placed one in his room, and one in his living room (connected to the kitchen). What was happening to him? Is this normal? Is this happening to.. TUBBO!

He opened discord on his laptop and looked for Tubbo.

"Ranboo!!" - Tubbo yesterday 11am

"Ranboo are you awake?" - Tubbo yesterday 1pm

"What are you doing?" - Tubbo yesterday 5pm

"Ranboo??" - Tubbo 12pm

"Did I do something?" - Tubbo 2pm

Tubbo must be so worried, none of them were going anywhere so it seemed like Ranboo was ignoring him

"Sorry, hi Tubbo, need something? :)" - Ranboo Now

"No, wanna play minecraft or something? Go live maybe?"


Ranboo looked through the games he played, and chose The Long Drive.

"Tubbo join me on the long drive, and do you want to go live? or should i?"

"Well you uploaded recently, so can i? :("

"Sure :D"

Tubbo went live and they had a normal stream together.


The stream ended and the both decided to go to sleep. It was pretty late by now and they both had nothing else to do, and were both tired.

Ranboo closed his eyes but couldn't sleep. He thought about how he didn't reply to Tubbo for a day. 

It was only one day? Tubbo would understand? He'd think I was busy!? Right? Busy with.. nothing- There's nothing to do!

Ranboo felt panic building in him. He was worried about what Tubbo would think. It's okay right? Forgetting to reply to someone for ONE day was perfectly normal? Right? But Ranboo didn't even remember yesterday! Did he eat? Did he shower? Did he do.. ANYTHING?

Good thing he got the camera, he could see what he did, tomorrow..

Ranboo was about to fall asleep knowing he was safe with the camera to see what was happening. No, wait? I'm not safe? Something is happening? What is it?

He was tired and wanted to sleep, his thoughts stopped him from sleeping, he didn't know what to do. Everyone he was close with was sleeping, it was around 1am in Brighton (where he ended up, cause he couldn't travel during covid :)

He got up and walked to the kitchen, he opened a few cabinets to see if there were any sleeping pills or gummies, he ended up finding a new bottle of gummies that said "sleep" on it. He went back to his room with the container and opened it, He took two and tried to sleep.

Few minutes passed and he took another one, then another one, and another one. He was tired but the idea of forgetting couldn't let him sleep. C'mon I can think about this tomorrow, please let me sleep..

He gave up and opened his laptop in bed, he watched youtube to comfort himself, nothing was intresting, he opened twitch and found the live stream Tubbo filmed with him and clicked on it. It was entertaining, and comforting, seeing his best friend's face and hearing his voice. 

He watched the stream for a few hours and ended up falling asleep to it.

549 words :)

ay pog, idk im proud TT sorry if the story is a bit uh- toxic? idk- i come from dnf stories ;-;

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