Day ?*#%$&@!

96 8 14

Ranboo and tubbo lived with eachother for a while, they streamed minecraft and hung out as a little more than close friends. Everyone shipped them, calling them "beeduo". It was a cute name! And they grew feelings for eachother but were both too shy to admit.

Soon Covid came and the dream team decided to self-quarantine for their safety, only until it got better. The fans were perfectly fine with it, and some members would occasionally post a video of playing minecraft on a discord call to keep the fans entertained.

Ranboo and Tubbo both went into their rooms, they would call every few days and talk to eachother about random stuff they thought about.

This is going well!

It was only been..


Ranboo looked at the calendar and looked at his phone.

Surely 1 month at most?

He pulled up discord on his phone and messaged the dsmp group chat.

"anyone know what quarantine started" - ranboo

"uhmmm April.. something? Idk if felt like forever." - Tubbo

"ranboo tommy stole from you on origin smp!" - Ph1LzA

"PHIL!!" - Tommyinnit

It really was 11 month.

Tommy started raging at Phil, while ranboo started at his phone in shock.

He got on his PC and opened youtube to check if he uploaded anything during quarantine. Turns out he uploaded a video about a week ago.


Wait what?

He doesn't remember uploading that video. Was he going insane? Was he being hacked?

226 words :)

short chapter! idk why- EE

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