She only smiled and ducked her head, that was when Sulaiman began speaking. "Wafiyya told me everything, Jalilah. And I figured out there was no way I couldn't try my best to make sure you've had what you've always been dreaming of. I'll start with what I'd do on my part, for your NYSC service, I'll make sure your clearance is done and you wouldn't have to worry, okay? You can go there and chase your dream, spread your wings until you achieve what you want."

Since when he started talking and Jalilah figured out what he was talking about, she fixed her eyes on him and couldn't take them off. It wasn't like she wasn't happy with all he had uttered, but that's not what she wanted to hear. She wanted to hear what had Yazeed involved, they all knew that, and that's why they had this teasing smiles on their faces. When he was done, he turned to look at Yazeed with a soft and pleading look.

"You promised to say it yourself, right? Do that please." She didn't want to, but her eyes naturally looked at him, and he had a cool smile that she wished she could scrub off, she didn't want him to be this cool when she was fighting her heart to hate him. He shouldn't look so handsome like he did, even if it was evident that he had something choking up his chest with each passing second.

His eyes fell on her, and she felt every jacking feeling in her body. She was quick at looking down onto her fingers, but before he spoke, Wafiyya stood up abruptly, "Sulaiman, I have bought something online, I need to go and pick it up, will you please drive me there? Your son makes me so weak that driving is proving to be hard these days."

Sulaiman stared at her before he stood up as well, "Yes, Jalilah do you need ice cream on our way back?"

She looked up at the two cousins and smiled, she needn't be told that this was their way of wanting to let them have a time of themselves. She nodded her head at him, "Yes, any flavour will do."

Wafiyya turned to Yazeed that had his face scrunched up into a frown, "What about you Yazeed? Or you don't need anything?"

She glared at her before he replied, "I need a new leather belt that if I strike your body with it, you'll have to find a doctor that will stitch your skin for you." That was the first time he spoke since they came to the house, and Jalilah wished he had spoken since when they arrived because somehow, his voice managed to calm her down.

"You're so mean, make sure you rectify what you've damaged. Sulaiman, let's go, you're the sweetest among the two of you, he's so violent and..." She let her words trialled off until she was only a foot away from the door when she yelled, "And grumpy! Jalilah wasn't lying when she said you were grumpy!" And in a flash, they were out of the living room, Jalilah could hear Sulaiman's laughter until they walked out and drove off.

She smiled and naturally her eyes turned back to Yazeed, that was when she realized he had been staring at her. "So, I'm grumpy and mean?" The question took her off guard, she quickly shook her head and slyly smiled.

"No, it was just Wafiyya being herself. But in some truth, yeah, you are. Especially the grumpy part." She chuckled softly, not knowing how or where the awkwardness vanished into.

"I won't apologize to that though, it's not like you've worn an Ankara gown and I failed to notice." This time, they smiled at the same time. She was looking at him with sheer admiration, loving the way he complimented her house with the way he sat down and the cup he took a drink from? She was making sure she had marked it with her eyes so she would be taking her drinks from it. And no one is allowed to use it but herself.

"So..." They started at the same time and broke into a peal of laugher.

"You go first..." They uttered in unison and this time, Jalilah had no choice but to seal her lips with her fingers. "I'm shut, you go first."

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