episode one | two friends reunited

Start from the beginning

Alfred stepped out of the way, letting Augustine walk in, "It's good to see you, my dear. You've changed over the years."

"All in a good way, I hope," Augustine let a nervous laugh bubble from her chest, feeling more at ease when she heard arguments stemming from the living room. She could make out most of the voices — it was nice to hear them all again. To be standing in this home after not visiting in almost eight years was almost magical. Alfred held his hand out, silently asking to take both her bag and jacket off of her. Augustine slipped them both off of her shoulders, passing them over to him with a side glance.

Alfred spoke again once he turned to her, "Always in a good way, Doctor Finley."

"You don't," Augustine shook her head. "Augustine's fine, Alfred."

"You earned your degree, it's only fair I use it for you," Alfred nodded walking her to the living room. "I've done the same thing with your mother, it would be hard to convince me to do something else for you as well."

"You've known me since I was a child, Alfred."

"The same can be said for your mother."

"Alfred," Augustine sighed, a ghost of a smile on her lips.

He just smiled in return, pointing towards the open doors of the living room where everyone sat. They had yet to notice the two new people standing right outside of them, much too engrossed in whatever argument they had before. "Dinner will be ready in thirty minutes, I trust you can keep an eye on the time, Doctor Finley."

"I can try," Augustine nodded in his direction. "Do you need any help in the kitchen?"

Alfred lifted a brow in her direction, "The last time you were in my kitchen."

"I'd like to mention it has been well over ten years since that incident," With her hands raised in the air, Augustine let out a laugh.

"Not long enough, Doctor Finley. Not long enough," Alfred shook his head, Augustine watched him retreat with laughter shaking his shoulders.

She turned back to the living room, smiling a little bit more when she noticed Jason holding Tim in a headlock. Shaking her head, she walked into the room (still somehow unnoticed by all of them) (so much for being the world's greatest detectives), "I thought siblings had to at least pretend to get along with each other."

She bit back her laughter as everyone in the room jumped, turning to look at her with wide eyes. Damian was quick to jump up from his seat on the couch, running up to the blonde with something similar to a smile (Augustine wasn't sure how to describe it, but it was something he only displayed around her). He grabbed one of her hands, pulling her father into the room, "Finally, a competent person to have a conversation with."

"Damian, you live in a house full of competent people."

"Take a look around the room and say that again," Damian blinked, sighing as he looked up at her. Augustine just shook her head in response. "I didn't know you were coming to dinner tonight."

"Jason wouldn't take no for an answer," Augustine sighed, shooting a glance over to the man with a white streak in his hair. He just shrugged casually in response, a smirk on his lips. "Then he got Alfred involved which meant I was screwed."

"Alfred has his ways," Tim nodded.

"He's quite scary when he needs to be," Bruce added in, walking over to place his hand on Augustine's shoulder. "It's good to see you again, Augustine."

"August," She corrected. "But it's good to be back, Bruce."

"How long are you in town for, August?" Tim walked closer, taking a seat at the edge of the couch closest to her. Augustine pulled her brows together in question. "Like how long are you visiting?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2023 ⏰

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