You are quite amusing~

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You find yourself in a dark room. You must've passed out from something hitting you. You look around and see 'people' standing around you. They are talking about something that seems to be a rough topic for all of them. Two of them are standing up. Now you realise that they are talking about who will have YOU handed to them. You start shaking, being scared of what they might do to you.

They seem very frightening since now that you got a better look, they seem to be monsters, one of them is deformed, the other looks like a drak angel, which is somehow very scary to you. You can also see a doll, but it seems to be alive, it jumps onto the arm of a woman that you can only see in the distance.

The two that got into a fight earlier are a man that seems the most normal out of these people, he doesn't seem like a person you would want to get involved with though. The other person is a very tall woman with a big hat covering her curly hair and a long, white dress covering her body. She looks very beautiful, but you have no time to think about that right now. You want to say something, but when you think about it again, that might not be too helpful so you stay silent. You finally find a way out and you can only hear them scream:"Why did you let that person escape? GO AND GET IT BACK!"

While fighting your way through this castle, you can't help but think about the woman from earlier, with the hat and the white dress. You wonder if you will see her again and if so, what she might do to you. You are kinda scared, but your interest in the mysterious woman has been awakened.

The next thing that happens is pretty frightening and you let out a scream. Three women are dragging you to an unknown place. They decompose into a bunch of bats and then look like women again. Their outfits are all the same and they also look kinda alike. Their mouths are covered in blood and they remind you of the vampires that you have heard of. You never thought you would see them in real life since you thought they were just a myth to scare kids, but this is pretty real, so you are scared of what will happen next.

Suddenly the women let go of you and your sight is getting blurry like before in the dark room. You see the three women standing above you and another woman gets out of her seat. She is much taller than the other three. When she turns to you, you finally know who she is.

She is the lady that got into a fight with this man back in the dark room. She is now wearing a dark dress and her hat is no longer resting on her head. Her hair looks very beautiful and the dress shows every curve of her tall, curvy and beautiful body. You are scared, but you still can't help but think:"Wow, she is gorgeus."

She gives a sign to the other three, who are her daughters as it seems, since earlier she said:"You are so kind to me daughters." She waits for them to lift you up, by putting hooks through you hands and pulling up the chains connected to them. You scream because of the pain and all of the four women chuckle. You don't find it as funny as them though.

You suddenly remember the story that your friends told you once. That a family had lived in this castle and they were now mutated and turned into a bunch of scary monsters and freaks. You can't hold back your interest and ask:"Are you Lady Dimitrescu?" The woman looks a bit shocked. She gives her daughters a sign to get out, closing and locking the door behind them. Angrily gets close to you and says, in a mean tone:"And who might you be to know my name? I have never had a target like you before, let me tell you that. You are so stubborn. Now you even try to trick me by saying my name." You calmly say:"I just heard rumors and I never tried to trick you. I just wanted to confirm that what I have heard was the truth." She looks amused and suddenly starts to laugh.

You are quite taken aback because just a moment ago she was quite mean and now she is laughing. "You are very funny, I must admit." She says in a amused tone. "You have heard rumors and you just admit that it's me?" She kept laughing. After a good while she was done with laughing and she looked you directly into the eyes. She gets her mouth close to your ear and whispers:"If you can do other things as good as amusing me, then I might even let you down."

Despite the pain coming from both of your hands, you give her a smirk that she gladly returns. You say:"Well, you should judge for yourself wheter or not I am good at other stuff." She puts her arm around your waist to pull you closer. She moves her head near yours and looks deeply into your eyes. You want to tease her by saying:"What will you do now, huh?~", but you can only open your mouth before you feel her lips press against yours and her tongue making her way inside your mouth. You are shocked at first, but then you deepen the kiss and close your eyes. She gets the hooks out of your hands and pushes you on the bed. You let out a gasp.

She stands beside the bed and takes off her dress to let it fall on the floor. You smirk at the sight in front of you. She is only wearing a bra and panties. It's a pretty on-turning sight. You keep watching as she opens her bra and lets it fall onto her dress. You start undressing yourself as well and she watches closely, biting her lip. When both of you are completly nude, you go for another kiss and she starts licking your neck. You let out a moan.

She makes you lay down on the grand bed and takes a seat beside you. She kisses you again and then continues to lick your entire body. When she arrives at the most sensitive spot, you can't help but let out another moan. She turns around to get into a better position also know as the 69. You say:"That was pretty fast don't you think?" She won't give you an answer since she keeps licking you all over. You moan louder each time. She also lets out many moans herself as you place your tongue deep inside her and move it around.

The two of you remain in this position, the moans growing so loud that you wouldn't wonder if the entire castle would hear. At some point you can't control it anymore and say:"I- I can't. I'm about to-" Both of you cum at the same time. She gets down to lay beside you. You kiss again before she gets dressed and says:"That was fun. Now you should make sure to get out of here, before I will change my mind and not let you alive." She winks at you and gets out of the room. You get dressed and run out of the castle as fast as you can, secretly hoping that you will see her again soon.

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