Chapter-1 my master Usui

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[I don't own this story basically the anime]
Kaichou wa maid sama is my favorite anime watch it on
Hope you like the fanfiction that I created.
[Sorry if I wrote some words false!]
If you didn't watch the anime there are some spoiler alarm in this fanfiction!

It's so stressful being the class president organize the stuff for the Halloween festival,workshops [etc.].
"Urg...MY HEAD HURTS!"I shouted and punch the desk.
"Sensei do you need an aspirin?"Yukimura asked me.
"No need to worry!"I said and cleaned the desk.
"Well...I wasn't worried I was scared because you looked lik-".
"What did you say!?"I looked at him angry My pen suddenly broke.
"Nothing!"He said scared "Well I'm going to buy some lunch!"He said scared and ran straightaway.
My hands were full with ink.
"Guess I should wash my hands".
I walked to the hallway and saw Usui and a girl what was her name again?.
"What are you doing!"I asked him angry.
"Nothing just rejecting her confessions"he said Ice cold to her.
She cried and ran.
I went near to him "You...You"I whispered I ran towards him "YOU BAKA!"I shouted and wanted to punch him on his face ,but he avoid my punch with holding my fist.
Suddenly the bell rang.
He ignored me like nothing happened and just walked.
"You should wash your hands"he said serious.
I was just angry to see him.

This stupid Usui thinks his cool,popula-.
"MISA-CHAN!"someone shouted I looked behind me it was Sakura.
"Oh hey Sakura!"I waved her.
"Are you coming with us to the karaoke?"she asked me I heard how boys whispered "Is she also going?I think I might not coming".
"Ehm..No sorry I have to do work but thanks for asking have fun at the karaoke"I said and ran straightaway home.

To Sakura
Is the student council also going?
"She unfortunately can't come she need to do some work"Sakura said sad.
"Thank godness some boys were saying".
"What do you mean by that!"Shizuko said angry.
"Usui-Kun your not coming?"Sakura said.
"I'm not in a mood for karaoke"he said and walked home.
"If you say so"Sakura said.

"I'm home!"I said and took my shoes off.
Someone opened the kitchen door "Oh your home look what I won"it was my younger sister suzuna.
"Really cool"I didn't looked at her since I was busy to look for my cellphone in my bag "There it is!"I said.
Let me see the price that you got I made step on the floor and landed on a hole.
"Oh you stepped at the hole"she said.
"Did you covered it with the magazine so that I wouldn't notice it?"I asked her serious.
"It was planned"she said.
"Anyways what did you got?"I asked her.
"Soy sauce ri-"I interrupt her "I know we are poor ,but couldn't they give you I don't know things that you could use not always food"I said to her.
"Oh yeah you remind me of something mother wants to talk with you!"she said .
"Where is she?"I asked her "Upstairs!"she said.
I went upstairs "THERE IS ANOTHER HOLE!"I shouted.
"It was planned"Suzuna said.
I opens the door "Mum wanted to talk?"I asked her.
"Oh yes come and sit"she said "So what's so important?!"I asked her.
"'s hard to tell ,but we need to move from here the house is getting expensive and also transfer you tw-"she said.
"No!I will search a part-time job to help us out!"I said.
"Don't worry mum!"I said and ran straightaway to my room.
I looked on the Internet for jobs.
No I m not even finish with school.
Urg...I'm so tired ,but I need to search.

Next morning
I was so so tired.
Someone opened the door"Ohayo S-!".
He suddenly screamed.
"Wh....What's wrong?"I asked Yukimura.
"Oh's you ,you should go to the washroom."He said with a smile.
I went straightaway to the washroom.
I looked at the mirror I looked horible eye bag and my hair.
Suddenly someone came it was a teacher from another class.
"Oh misaki something wrong?"she asked me.
"Oh...Ohayo Sensei"I said and bent 90degrees.
"Something wrong?"she saud
"Eh...Can you keep it a secret?"I asked her I didn't wanted to tell it actually everyone ,but since she is just a teacher I though why not.
"Of course!"she said.
"Well...It's so I need a part-time job and I looked yesterday at the Internet ,but couldn't found any jobs some of them weren't suitable for me"I said.
"Hmm...Oh I have something for you my brother needs a housekeeper would you like me to ask him and the pay is also really good ?"she said.
"Well..why not!"I said "Thank you Sensei!"I said.

At home
I made my homework and drank some tea.
"Nee-chan someone called it's for you!"Suzuna said.
"Really!"I said and ran to the telephone.
He gave me the address number and also the time when I start.
"Okey thank you!"I said and layed the phone.
"Do you have the job!"Suzuna ask me.
"Yes, I'm starting tomorrow after school!"I said.

Tomorrow [after school]
"I need to be on time"I ran and looked at the watch it's 3;23pm I need to start at4pm.
I saw some boys annoying girls.
Urg...those BAKAS
"WHAT THE F*CK ARE YOU DOING!?"I shouted to then.
"Oh...E-Eh president council!"they said scared and ran.
They ran to Usui "Usui...Usui the president council..Miskaki she is a Devil!"they said scared "Misaki?"he said.
"Thank you Misaki-chan!"They said.
I just ran straightaway it's 3:35.
After a while I was there the house was so big I need to work here 2hours so I will be home 6:15pm.
I knocked at the door a maid came named "Oh good evening I'm Satsuki your the new maid here Misaki?"she said with a smile Satsuki looked really nice "Oh hello!"I said.
She said"Come in I will give you your uniform straightaway!".
We went inside the mansion it was huge the living room was so big like a soccer field.
"The owner of this house is working right now ,but his son will coming than"she said and while preparing my uniform.
"Oh..what should I do than?"I asked her.
"Well you need to clean the house make breakfast or dinner for them"Satsuki said.
"Well here"she gave me my maid uniform "Thank you!"I said and went to the restroom.
She knocked at the door *knock knock*
"Are you finish?"she asked me.
"Yes!"I said.
"It look KAWAII to you Misa-chan!"she said are there at the background flowers?.
"Master is here!"someone shouted.
"M-Master?"I asked her.
"Oh I forgot something we are calling the son master!"she said and grab my arm.
"Welcome back Master!"we all said and bent 90degrees.
Is tha...that U-USUI!
He walked straightaway he saw me and stopped "Misaki?"he said.
And throw me his jacket.
"Honoka what do we have for dinner?"he asked a maid.
"We have lasagne Master"she said.
I can't call him master especially not USUI.
"Ayuzawa!"He said.
"Ye...Yes M-Master!"I said.
"Make me dinner!"He said and went to his room.
"You know Usui-sama?"Satsuki asked me.
"Well...Y-Yes he is in the same school like me I need to make now dinner for him!"I said.
I went to the kitchen and looked for food I guess I should make Kamo ramen.
I cut some vegetable and the duck.
"Misa-chan Master is searching for you.
Doesn't he know that I'M Making Dinner for this BAKA.
"I'm coming straightaway m-master!"I said.
I went upstairs and knocked at the door "Come in!"he said.
"What do you want!"I said.
"Did you forgot something?"he said with a stupid grins.
"Ma-Master!"I said.
"Why are you here?"He asked me serious "None of your business if you searching for me I'm cutting vegetables for y-"He sudenly grab my arm.
He Touchs My Chin and whispered on my ear "why you'er herea
"none of your business"I said and pushed him to the bed I forgot that he was holding my arm so we both fell to the bed.
"Are you comfortable?"He said with a stupid grins.
"pervert alien!"I said and went downstairs the kitchen.
"Moe,Moe,Moe!"she said.
"Oh don't worry about her she is in he own world!"Honoka said and crossed her arms "Anyways I'm Honoka!"she said with a smile.
"I'm Ayuzawa Misaki!"I said and shakes her hand.
"Do you actually have a relationship between Usui?"she said with a grins.
"No Not even in2 years we are just in the same school but different class.
I cut the vegetables and the duck.
What's the time it's 4:45 just 1 hour and I'm free.
"Satsuki-San,Honoka-San are you going now?"I asked them.
"Yes it's 4:45 now see you than later!"Satsuki said they both waved me.
Eh...Wait does that mean I'm alone with that pervert alien?
Pheew..finish with the food.

My master usuiWhere stories live. Discover now