10- Mentor

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The gust of wind that had announced his presence took what seemed like forever to settle down, before the group could all finally get a good look at Professor Albus Dumbledore. It had been five years since any of them had seen him in the flesh, struck down as he was on that awful night in the astronomy tower. Still, somehow, there he was.

It was Harry who spoke first, breaking some imaginary spell of silence that had been placed on all of them.

"Professor?" Harry's voice cracked on the word. Dumbledore turned at the sound and smiled when he saw Harry, who rushed forward and embraced his old mentor. He looked suddenly younger somehow.

"Professor… you have no idea… I…" Harry trailed off, mumbling into Dumbledore's robes.

"I'm glad to see you too, Harry," Dumbledore replied warmly, patting the younger wizard on the back. "Let's move into the living room and talk, shall we?"

The family agreed and all members followed Dumbledore into the living room. Fleur settled Victoire in a playpen, handing her Harry's invisibility cloak to play with. Molly conjured up a tea tray and passed a cup to the professor. He perched his feet up cozily on an ottoman before the fire. Then, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small gold object, a tiny hourglass spinning in its center.

"I'm sure this explains quite a bit, doesn't it?" He asked the group, all of which was looking intently at him.

"A time turner?" Arthur asked, reaching out a hand to examine it. Hermione quietly slinked to the back of the room, hoping to escape notice. "So, you've come from some time in the past then?"

Dumbledore nodded as the rest of the family settled in on couches and chairs.

"It seemed I was the safest, seeing as how there's no danger of me sneaking up on myself here."

Harry moved to sit down himself, then jumped back up.

"Professor, there's something… I need to tell you," Harry rushed urgently. "In 1996, you will find a ring…"

Dumbledore hushed him with one hand.

"No, Harry, no. It's all right," Dumbledore said. "There are some things that even I shouldn't know."

Dumbledore settled back in his seat with a knowing twinkle in his eye. Resigned, Harry sat down as well, though he looked no less mollified.

"I'm sure you're all surprised to see me," Dumbledore said, at last addressing the group as a whole. "Though, I think one of our party is less surprised than the others."

Dumbledore's hand shot up then, casting a wave of magic that slammed the living room door closed. Hermione, who had just managed to quietly open it, looked back in shock.

"Not leaving us so soon, are you Miss Granger?"

"N-no," Hermione stuttered, "no sir."

Hermione stalled, wondering how she could outsmart the most powerful wizard of all time. Deciding she probably couldn't, she walked solemnly back to the center of the room. Dumbledore smiled in recognition, as if he had read her thoughts.

"That's good. And this," he said, indicating Rose on Hermione's hip, "is the child, I presume?"

Hermione nodded, wishing the floor would swallow her up.

"Do you know who asked me to come here, Hermione?"

"I could come up with a guess," she replied dryly. Dumbledore chuckled and nodded.

"He wants me to take Rose with me," he said quietly, looking only at Hermione.


"To another time and place, just for a spell, until it's over."

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