Math Math Revolution

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I don't wanna, take the heat so now I've gotta, go it solo. I don't wanna, do the time so now I gotta, take what's mine whoa. Ba, ba, ba ba ba ba! Walking the fine-line keepin' control. Deep in the cut, ready to roll. Are you friend or are you foe? Ba, ba, ba ba ba ba! Now I gottta, go it Solo!"

"At 4:15, Detention gets out, but I'm nowhere near detention and-"

Lee and Skye are on the run from Barrage and Lee's got RKK with him.

"OW!" Lee yells "Cat claws are crazy sharp."


"You awake." Lee exclaims at Biffy. "Barrage is on our tails."

"I told you, I can't track him like this, you're wearing my eyes."

"More like you're eyes are wearing me!"

Skye pulls Lee aside and they hide behind a locker set, just then, an angsty Rumplekittykat scratches Lee.

"Ow!" Lee exclaims in pain.

Skye hears Barrage getting close and the two of them cower in hope that RKK doesn't say anything. Skye wraps her hand around Lee's arm.

Earlier that day

Skye and Christina are sitting by the lockers, just then the girls see a picture.

"Is that your boyfriend.....picking his..."

"A: he isn't my boyfriend, B: that's totally fake, no one will fall for that."

Christina smiles.

Lee is on his phone, trying to crack Radcircles' email, he then walks past Skye and Christina.

"Oh hey Skye....I was looking for you."

Skye smiles, mabye Lee did like her, Christina then gives her a smug look. Of course, how could she forget, she didn't want to talk to him, well rules must be broken, she thought. Christina elbows her. Skye gets up and leaves with Lee.

"So, trying to crack Radcircles' email?"

"Yeah, how'd you know that?"

"I know everything." She says playfully, imitating Biffy. "Just kidding, Biffy told me."

Lee then  continues on his attempts and
Skye notices the Emos laughing at Lee.
She then speaks up.

"Hey is it just me or...."
Cam then pops up and greets Lee, in response, he signals a fist bump but Cam declines.

"Did you, uh wash that hand?" He asks.

Lee seems confused but Skye already knows what he's talking about

"Dude, you don't know?" Cam replies.
He then shows Lee the badly edited picture that Skye and Christina saw.

Lee and Cam then begin talking about how it will effect their popularity status.

"ITS A FAKE PICTURE! No one's gonna fall for it." Lee says, mildly infuriated.

Lee then walks away and Skye tags behind him, Cam calls out to him and continues complaining. Lee then runs into Brandy and accidentally knocks over her books. When Lee offers them back to her however, she runs away nauseated.

Skye was astonished to see someone fall for it.

8:36 First period
Skye was sketching and the news was on, Tina was talking about Turkey lasagna....or something.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2023 ⏰

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