* * *

Almost two months went by with Aiko kept in semi-solitary confinement at Tateyami's finishing school for girls.

She finally knew the name of the new school, but it didn't make any difference as she wasn't allowed phone calls and, as she was only allowed restricted time spent with the other students, she hadn't yet managed to form any friendships that she could trust.

Finally, a week before her birthday, she had a visitor.

Koyuki's employment with Mr Murata had been terminated shortly after Aiko left, and after a lot of requests from Daichi who had gotten her number from his mother's journal, she'd agreed to visit to pass on a birthday gift.

"How did you get in? I thought I wasn't allowed visitors," Aiko asked.

"I'm still registered as your carer so it wasn't hard to get permission from the governor," Koyuki said. "Your father probably won't be too happy when he finds out, but ... your friends are very persistent. That boy cares about you a lot."

"Daichi?" Aiko asked with a small smile.

"Yes, he does, but I meant Baji," she let out a giggle. "Daichi shared the number and he's also called several times."

"What did he say?"

"He mainly wanted to know the address, but I couldn't do that. I wanted to make sure that you want him to have it. Two months in a place like this can make you rethink things."

"I want him to have it," Aiko said without any delay. "Please."

"I know your father's hard on you, but he only wants the best for you."

Aiko had heard it all before. Her father meant well, he was only looking out for her, he wanted what was best for her.

"If my father cared the slightest bit for me, I might believe that. I haven't even heard from him since I've been here. It's my birthday next week and I can bet I won't hear from him then either." Aiko fought to restrain the rising anger inside her. "He wants me to be whatever is best for him, not me."

"That's not true," Koyuki said with a sad smile. "Your father loves you, he just doesn't know how to show that he cares."

What would you know? Aiko wanted to shout, but she held it and calmly asked. "So will you tell them where I am?"

Koyuki sighed and nodded. "I said I would give this to you," she said placing a box on the table. "It's a birthday present. It's from all of them."

A wide smile spread across Aiko's face for the first time since she arrived. "All of them?"

Koyuki nodded again. "There's also something hidden in it somehow. It's from Baji. Keep it hidden or the teachers will confiscate it."

Confiscate it? What could it be?

Koyuki spent another twenty minutes or so with Aiko, telling her about a new job placement that she was soon to start and asking about Aiko's time at the new school. Then when the time came to leave she gave Aiko one last reminder, not to give up on her dad just yet and a huge hug, promising to return another time if she could.

Aiko had enjoyed the visit but was glad that it was over as she ran straight to her room. She opened her present to find photos and cards from everyone. Emma must have been the photographer as most of the photos were of the boys and a lot seemed as though she'd caught them off guard. Yui and Daichi were also in a lot of the photos, some featuring Yui and Emma, but a lot with Yui and Chifuyu.

Aiko let out a deep sigh of sadness at the thought that they were all having so much fun without her, and perhaps there was even a new romance blossoming if the photos of Yui and Chifuyu were anything to go by. Knowing Emma she had probably taken the task of cupid over for that case.

Aiko pulled at a small panel at the bottom of the box, which she assumed must be the hidden compartment, and she found a small mobile phone with one unread text message.

- Hey, It's me, Baji. I saved my number into the phone just in case you've been lobotomised. Call asap!

Aiko laughed out loud. He remembered my joke, she thought although she wasn't surprised. He always remembered their conversations. She pulled the phone close to her chest and held it for a moment before typing her response.

- Hey Baji, I can't call. And yes, they've already got to me. Could you remind me who you are?

Twenty minutes passed before a beep came.

- That sucks. Well, apparently I'm the most beautiful thing you've ever seen. Ring any bells?

- I said that? Well, just so you know, I have very high standards so you must be amazing. I can't wait to see you again.

- I've missed you, Aiko. Can we meet up?

- I'm at Tateyami's finishing school for girls. I've no idea where it is, but it was about a two-hour drive.

- I'll find it. Let me know what your schedule's like so we can work something out.

That was easy. She didn't have a schedule outside of school hours. She was allowed 1 hour in the common area and then after dinner, she was sent to her room. The other girls had much more free time but she had a special routine courtesy of her father and him 'wanting the best for her'.

There was one potential opening though - the teachers also wanted their free time.

So Sundays were complete days off for the girls. They were allowed into town and could pretty much do what they wanted as long as they remained in groups of three and were back on the premises by eleven at the latest. Of course, Aiko wasn't allowed such a privilege of going outside and as her movements with the other girls were restricted she spent the whole of Sundays alone; either sitting in her room or wandering the outside grounds.

But the teachers didn't pay much attention to her on Sundays and only did a simple visual check to see that she was in bed at around midnight.

That was her chance, the next Sunday from sunset until midnight she could sneak over the fencing at the far end of the garden and meet up with Baji.

Best Night Ever | Baji Keisuke x OC/Tokyo Revengers FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now