4- Who is the Father?

Start from the beginning

Molly pushed Hermione away from her again to get a good look at the young woman, as Ron rolled his eyes over Harry's shoulder. Looking at Hermione once more, Molly noticed, as if for the first time, the child Hermione carried.

"Hi," the girl said in a sweet child's voice. "I'm Wose."

"She means Rose," Hermione said, smiling down at the child. "She's having trouble with R sounds."

"Oh," Molly said nicely. "Hello Rose. I'm Molly Weasley." The two shook hands, with Rose grasping one of Molly's fingers to say hello. Clearly charmed, Molly motioned to Hermione to ask if she might hold the girl. Hermione nodded and passed the child off, looking toward the rest of the Weasleys once more.

"Hermione." She quickly turned her head to find the source of the voice. Ginny took a step forward from the group, looking unsure if she should keep moving or stay in place.

"Ginny?" Hermione's cry was a question and a shout, as if Hermione were surprised to find her friend there. Ginny took another tentative step forward, warring within herself. She was no longer sure if she was supposed to be angry with Hermione or not. She had deceived them all and Ron had been so upset. But it had been so long and Ginny hadn't realized before how much she'd been missing her best friend. Giving in to the longing, Ginny took two steps forward more quickly as Hermione reacted and rushed forward herself. The women embraced each other in a giant hug, both laughing and crying at the same time.

"Great," Ron whispered, though no one seemed to hear him.

"Oh, I've missed you so much," Hermione said, still crying and smiling.

"We have so much to catch up on," Ginny said, stepping back from the hug. "Look." Ginny held out her left hand where the diamond engagement ring sat.

"Oh my…Ginny," Hermione looked quickly over her shoulder to Harry. "Harry?"

Harry smiled shyly and nodded and Hermione gave a squeal of joy, pulling Ginny back toward her in a hug. The rest of the family began slowly with their own reunions. George shook Hermione's hand, causing a small explosion between their palms. He sheepishly showed her the WWW shake shock product, then pushed Angelina forward to say hello. Fleur and Bill gave their own hugs, having grown fond of the girl during her time at Shell cottage. Hermione knelt down to coo over Victoire, playing nicely in a playpen with Rose now. Then, Hermione turned to Arthur, who had stood quietly in the back, watching the display.

"Hi Mr. Weasley, it's nice to see you again."

Arthur walked slowly forward, the effects of war and death making him slower but no less amiable. He gave her a small smile then wrapped his arms around the girl.

"Welcome home, Hermione," he whispered in her ear. The room exploded in noise again, each person congratulating the next on the luck of it, recovering a treasure from a war in which so much could never be brought back.

No one seemed to notice the lone figure who had slunk out of the room and into the back yard, Ron wanting absolutely nothing to do with Hermione's grand return.


"Fine bloody time for a party. It's not like anything monumental has happened, not like there's anything worth celebrating. But look at that lot, putting out the cakes and roasts like it's the prodigal daughter returned."

Ron scowled at the scene from his seat on the front porch. Mr Weasley had set up a small tent in the yard and heated the interior, claiming the house was too small to accommodate the whole dinner party. Mrs Weasley had laid out a long table underneath and covered it with trays and trays of food, more food than she prepared each Christmas. Some family. They were traitors, all of them.

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