Sleepover! (2000+ words)

Start from the beginning

Oh my god, he doesn't sleep with a shirt on?!

The alert system in Finney's mind went from yellow to red immediately. His eyes shot to his hands. His face grew warmer as he struggled to breathe. Honestly, you'd think the poor kid was having some sort of panic attack. Actually, he might've been.

"Finn?" Robin's voice brought Finney's attention back to the present moment. "Are you okay?" he asked.
"Uhh... Yeah, I mean, yeah, I'm-I'm..." Finney sighed. He'd officially lost all cognitive functionality. He could barely keep his eyes above Robin's neck, so decided to just continue looking down.

"Hey, Finn." Robin sat in bed on his knees, which not only made him taller than Finney, but also able to lean towards him with no issue. Finney prayed that Robin would just shrug his behavior off and fall asleep, but instead, he put his hand on the brunette's jaw and lifted his head up, forcing their eyes to connect. "Dude, are you alright?"

The attentiveness Robin was displaying made Finney's heart ache. He couldn't keep lying to him. Robin's cared about Finney, he deserved to know how he felt, even if it hurt their relationship. It isn't right to keep secrets from friends.

Finney took a deep breath. "Robin, I have to tell you something."
Robin sat back. "Okay, what is it? You can tell me anything."
"You... you might not like me if I tell you, so if you don't want me to—"
"Finn," Robin cut him off. Finney looked up. "There isn't anything you could ever tell me that would make me stop liking you. Because I know you. And I know you would never do anything wrong." Finney's gaze slowly moved down. "Please tell me, Finn," he whispered. Finney swallowed. After a few seconds of silence, he threw caution to the wind, and quietly admitted, "I love you."

Robin blinked. "You..." he struggled to comprehend the other's statement, half of him wondering if he even heard him correctly.
"I love you," Finney repeated. "I-I..." he tightened his grip on the blanket below his trembling hands, his eyes beginning to well with tears. "I'm sorry. I really am. I tried not to, but, you..." he stopped. If he were to keep talking, he'd break down completely. He felt a tear run down his cheek, but lacked any motivation to do anything about it.

Robin was not the same. After a couple seconds of being in disbelief, he suddenly came to, shaking his head clear. "Finn," he took Finney's face in his hands and wiped his cheek with his thumb. The other boy looked up at him with the most hurt expression Robin had ever known. Seeing how much pain the boy he, too, loved being put through was agonizing.

"Don't apologize, please," he said, his voice breaking. He wanted to keep speaking, continue reassuring Finney he wasn't bad for how he was feeling, and that his feelings weren't misplaced, but Robin knew that words wouldn't mean anything in this situation. Not with Finney. Finney needed action to truly believe someone.

He leaned closer, being very hesitant to see if the other boy would show any kind of resistance, but he didn't move. Robin felt his heart pick up it's pace, and his brain began to swim with thoughts of all that could go wrong in his current situation, but he shoved that all to the back of his mind and went in to kiss Finney.

The amount of relief that swept over Finney in that moment was incredibly immense. He'd never been so thankful for anything in his life. Both boys held still for a few seconds, eventually separating from one another, sighing heavily. They looked into each other's eyes, silently confirming that what just happened had, you know, actually happened. Once they both recognized that neither of them were dreaming, they brought their lips together again, much more intensely.

Robin moved his hands down Finney's neck and into his hair. He ran his fingers through the other boy's brown curls, his hands shaking with months of pent-up emotion. Finney invited all forms of physical attention he was now receiving, something he'd been starved from since he first started developing feelings for Robin. He brought his hands up and ran them down Robin's stomach, making him kiss the brunette harder.

Unconsciously, Finney pulled his legs closer to his chest. Robin put his hands on Finney's shoulders and pushed him back against the headboard. He pulled away from Finney and moved in front of him, and without needing to be asked for permission, Finney moved his legs so Robin could sit in between them. Robin held the other boy's sides, and before continuing to kiss him, said, "Mi amor, if you want me to stop, just tell me."

Finney almost passed out. The amount of love he felt for the boy that sat before him could not be translated into any language. He smiled brightly and wrapped his arms around Robin's neck, kissing him passionately. Robin moved his hands under Finney's shirt.

"Mm!" Finney squeaked and pushed Robin back, immediately causing the boy to stop moving.
"What's wrong?" he asked, worry in his voice.
Finney shook his head. "Nothing, sorry, i-it's just..." he looked down, squirming at the feeling of the other boy's hands on his skin. Robin expression became sympathetic. He slightly pushed the brunette's shirt up, drawing a gasp. He kissed Finney's neck a few times, then whispered, "I love your body."

Chills ran up Finney's spine, and Robin couldn't hide the smirk that grew from the effect he was having on the boy in his hands. Finney examined Robin for a good few seconds, trying to see if there was any possibility he was lying to him, but couldn't spot anything. He sighed softly, then sat up and hesitantly removed his shirt, setting it next to him, just in case he would be asked to put it back on.

Finney crossed his arms over his chest, avoiding eye contact with Robin at all costs. He never liked the way he looked. He was much less muscular that the other boys, especially Robin. It had always made him really insecure, and the fact that he was constantly told that boys shouldn't care about how they look didn't help. He expected Robin to show some kind of distaste or disgust in his appearance, but he displayed the complete opposite.

Robin leaned in and continued to kiss the brunette intensely. Once Finney brought his hands off his chest and into the other boy's long, black hair, Robin took the opportunity to feel the area that had been previously blocked off. He felt like the world would crumble if he wasn't able to touch every part of Finney's body.

He lifted Finney's waist and lay him down on his back effortlessly, so he was now on top of him. Finney giggled, impressed at the other's actions, causing Robin to smile from embarrassment. They kissed heavily for a few more minutes, wanting to go farther, but both boys fortunately had enough self control not to.

Once they got everything out of their system, they lay on their sides and simply looked at each other. Robin's hand ran through Finney's hair, both boys exhausted, but wanting to do anything other than to fall asleep.
"Te quiero," Robin said quietly.
"I still don't know what that means," Finney laughed.
Robin smiled and kissed the brunette on the forehead. "I'm really glad you told me."
"Yeah, me too." This was probably the first time in Finney's life that he had felt comfortable in his own skin. He's sensitive, he's shy, he's weak, and he likes boys. And that's okay.

"I love you."
"I love you, too, Finn."

The Black Phone One Shots (Robin x Finney)Where stories live. Discover now