“Nice to meet you Technoblade, my name is Dream, Dream Smiles.” He introduced himself to Techno, giving his full name to the other. They were both introducing each other like in school when you met someone new and were just friending them.

Technoblade just happened to notice that Dr. Smiles, aka Dream, had a smile aesthetic. “You really got that smiley aesthetic, don’t you? The name, the mask, your.. aura… just everything.” Techno told the doctor which made Dream tilt his head in slight confusion when it came to the aura part. Many foundation members agree Dream had an unusual aura, it was unusual, but it was good. Reports coming from members had said that when angry or upset, his aura changes to something else, and affects one's own emotions.

Which was really unusual-- and inhuman…

The foundation decides to just ignore it though.

“Yes, yes I do. Also my aura? What about my aura?” Dream curiously asked, wanting to know exactly what SCP-7666 meant.

“I don’t know man… It’s awfully nice. Kind of makes me wanna go to sleep peacefully for once.” Techno spoke, telling the doctor what his aura was like.

“Oh.. I see… I still don't know what could causing that still..” Dr. Smiles hummed and continued to scratch the SCP’s head. Techno was still sitting there, peacefully, taking all of the pets that his doctor gave to him.

“Are  you an angel that fell from heaven?” Technoblade asked which only made Dream choke, moving his hand away. It sounded awfully like a pick-up line and Dream very much could not keep serious.

Dream immediately wheezed when the Techno said that to him, “That sounds like a pick-up line-” He was brutally honest with the other. Techno immediately moved away and huffed, he did not mean that, this doctor was so weird sometimes.

“Not like that!” He grumbled and rolled his eyes, “Nevermind. You are ridiculous and I hate you.” he huffed and looked away from the blonde.

Dr. Smiles only smirked, wheezing more as his hand ventured to the SCP’s ear, beginning to scratch it. “You hate me?” He asked in a mocking voice, scratching the other’s ear gently. Techno gasped when the other did that and as a result the SCP fell right out of his chair, making Dr. Smiles wheeze. “OOPS- onto the next question!” He wheezed a bit, “How old are you? Can I take a guess? 300.” Dream giggled a bit, he was thinking Technoblade was some sort of vampire anomaly or something.

Technoblade only stood up from the floor and actually laughed again, “300 years old? I’m not a vampire or anything, I’m 22 years old actually.” The SCP said to his doctor while looking away, a little embarrassed after what happened. 

“Oh- so you look how old you are..” The doctor said, his words actually meant the SCP looked young and attractive. He had pink hair, he looked quite attractive, and his crimson red eyes looked very pretty. “I thought it was something deceiving, I’m 22 as well, just turned.” Dr. Smiles told the other, the two of them really introducing themselves. 

The SCP kept realizing his doctor kept making him laugh, so he just laid on the ground. Dr. Smiles looked at him laying there, flopped right there, it reminded him of a bunny. Which he had read for bunnies, their flop was a sign of safety and relaxation. Of course, SCP-7666 was not a bunny, he was more of a killer bunny if anything, but he couldn’t help but notice the other seemed very calm and relaxed. Dr. Smiles observed the other some more, writing that 7666 wasn’t exhibiting any sort of violent behaviour, and instead just was acting pretty calm.

That made the doctor think of one important question, why did this SCP hate humans so much? Dr. Smiles knew he needed to ask this, there wasn’t any reason he knew, and it wasn’t written in the file.

A CAREER OF MAKE BELIEVE (SCP-MCYT CROSSOVER)Where stories live. Discover now