Telling the hags(witches)

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We quickly whipped them away and looked at each other again. "It's perfect for the baby shower next week don't you think?" I asked "definitely" he said with a closed eye smile, if he wasn't pregnant right now he would have been in the next 5 minutes!

"5 bucks says that Kaoru will cry" he said, "bet!" I replied.

I took a quick picture but blurred it posted it on my page and story with the caption "found the perfect outfit for the 'special' surprise" next week!"

I bought the outfit after begging to pay for them, and headed out but them it hit be like a train my aunts where coming to visit tomorrow and I still have yet to tell them about my growing family...

I decided that I would talk to tadashi about it later today.

Once we got home the sun was already starting to set so we decided to get ready for bed. As he was finishing brushing his teeth I decided to bring it up. "Hey baby" I said, "yes darling?" He replied after spitting the toothpaste out. "Look I know that this is probably the last thing that you'd want to think about...but my aunts are coming tomorrow and you need to be in the room with them at some point,and once the baby is born they might know straight(haha, every time) away!,and I-...." I paused for a second "I don't want them to hurt you! or the baby!,I don't want them to hurt,My family!" I said with a small amount of aggression at the end.

He looked at me with a calm face,and I was scared that he didn't show much emotion. He got into the covers and looked at me, and gave me a hug burying his face in my chest. At this point I felt tears streaming down my face again for the second time today. "Darling I know your scared, I am too,but as long as we have each other, our friends, and our baby in good health,then we'll be Okay!, you'll! Be okay!" He said as he looked up and rubbed my cheek. "Thanks puppy" I said as I kissed his forehead, "now let's get some sleep because I'm pretty sure that baby is making you tired" I said with a chuckle. "Oh you have no idea" he replied with a smile

The next day

Still Adams P.O.V
As I hear the damn alarm clock ring I groaned, I quickly hit the off button not wanting it to disturb my sweet pup. I looked over and saw him sound asleep,as I sat up to stretch I felt movement and felt two delectable arms wrap around my torso,as I faced down, I saw my pup give me a sleepy smile "good morning darling" he said in a soft voice".

I smiled back "good morning puppy,did you sleep well?" I asked as I get off the bed and kneeled beside it and gave him a gentle kiss on the forehead, "Mhm" he replied. "I have to go and pick up my aunts, do you need any help?, getting up, to get to the bathroom?,or maybe a glass of water?" I asked wanting him to be as comfortable as he could be. "I'm ok darling, the morning sickness has been getting less and less harsh, I think I'm actually ok for today" he said as he kissed my nose. I chuckled at his actions. "Alright we'll I'm off want me to help you get dressed at least,or to the kitchen to help the maids, or in the den?" I asked since I had 3 hours to prepare but I wanted to spend 2 of those hour with tadashi.

"Maybe help me get dressed,and help me into the den?" He asked, not even 2 seconds after he said that I scooped him up into my arms "of course puppy!" I said and I walked through the bathroom door. "I've actually been thinking and wouldn't our baby be the pup in this situation?" He asked. I again chuckled at Thai action "oh puppy, there's only one pup and that's you, as for our baby, I would say he's the pups' pup, wouldn't you?" I said with a smirk, he giggled at this "makes sense" he replied

I helped him put on a white turtleneck that showed the baby bump along with some really comfortable leggings with some socks on,since the pregnancy is pretty hard on him body,considering the whole new discovery of him being able to bare children, we deceit was best for him not to wear shoes inside, especially those uncomfortable work shoes, so we decided some nice fluffy socks will do.

The pups pup Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora