"I'm really starting to like that guy."
Skye thought.
Lee and Skye ran after the skaters but to no avail. Skye had the short end of the stick as she wasn't as fast as Lee.
When she caught up though, she was unhappy to see him with.....Tina, ugh!

Skye watched with a frown as they had the dumbest conversation she had ever heard. However suddenly, Tina changed tone.

"Or was it all just a setup so you could win student of the week?"

Skye stepped in, but just then, Chaz stole Lee away from Tina. And they started fighting like angsty kids.

Skye showed up and grabbed Lee by the arm, she then pointed to Zed who was at a table.

"Good eye." He says as Skye smiles smugly.

Just as Lee started talking with him, Barrage bursted in and sent Lee to detention. Lee then calls Holger to keep and eye on Barrage and allows him to think of it as a spy mission.

Holger then begins

🎶"Sneaky Holger, In the shadows Tu du du du du du du.🎶

Lee then arrives at the parking lot but a head peeps up beside him.


"That's right. I'm helping....again, you could use it, plus I need to question them to see if they have my amulet."

"Well, I'm not complaining." Lee smiles.

"PING!" Zed had noticed him. He tries to question the skaters but it all ends in a game of chase.

"Catch us if you can."

"UGH!  I've met squirrels with longer attention spans."

Skye gulps. And Lee looks at her.
"Don't worry Skye you'll be fine, just hold on tight and lean with me."

Skye holds tightly to Lee's waist and they go.

"Hey, the prank on the first day of school, YOU did all that?

"Just the paint part."

Skye yelps lightly

"Nice choice of color, radioactive booger green."

"Choice, I didn't choose anything."

"Yeah right Ping, duh, the email."

"What Email?"

Zed then sprays Lee with green apple splat which causes them to lose balance and crash.

"Are you okay?" Skye asked showing no concern of her own pain.

"Bro, your mom's SUV!" Zed exclaimed.

"She's totally gonna kill me!" Lee says as he struggles to get the side mirror back on.

"So what's with the suspense Ping?"

"Yeah, when's our next prank?"

"Sorta in the middle of something here!" Lee answers angrily. "It happened like 2 seconds ago, bet you forgot."

The skaters began to harass Lee until he couldn't take it anymore.

"I DUNNO, YOU'RE the paint guys just go dump it on the student of the week or something!"

Just as Lee thought he fixed it, the side mirror falls again.
"Ugh, why wont you stay on?"

"Here, take this super glue."
"Thanks Skye."

"That's perfect!" Zed exclaimed.

"I know, but it's still cracked."
Just then Lee gets a call from Holger, and Barrage is on the move.

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