M1 - Teaching

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3rd person
Slime failed to make a marina again "Ok.. Quackity from las navadas, how do i know the difference between the type of alcohols..." Quackity sighed "You know what lets try something else, what can you do?" "Uhhhh.... Im good at- hmm.." Slime thought "OH! Im good at making stuff that requires slime" slime holds out a slimeball he just puked out, quackity just tryes to figure out something "are you good in threating people for knowledge, like someone is keeping one of our friends as prisoner and someone that we have has the knowledge to get them but won't tell us, would you beat them up for the knowledge" "quackity from las navadas, dont you think thats rude??" Quackity stared at slime for a few moments with a confused face (as in that face he made when slime told him he didnt have 300 bones)... "ok, lets put up a sonario, i was kidnapped by very bad people (referencing to jshatt) that would hurt me badly and someone knows how to get me out, would you beat them to get it out of them?" "I wouldn't need to beat them to get it out of them, im already scary enough *ror*" Quackity laughed as he got up "ok then you'll be good "do you know if you can be a dealer, someone who helps with working the casino" "Oh! Yeah i can" Slime put his hand up and 2 dice formed from the slime on his body "See!" Quackity thought he could win alot if he can get slime to put the winning side curved a little to lower the chance that they win "Ooo ok we can work with that" Quackity pulled slime up to a casino table thingy and spent a hour on each of the games you can play on there (i honestly dont know how casinos work) after that slime was still ok ish but quackity needed to go to sleep, slime snuck out of the house and walked through the forest, he was hearing some people talking, it was purpled and dream

"ok dream, you want me to kill that slime person and in return i get as much as my heart desires?" "Yes as much as your little heart desires, i will give it to you after you kill that slime :)" "And how do i know your going to give it to me" purpled looked at dream questioning him "ok sure ill just have to get thier trust so when do you want him dead and how?" "I want him dead in 50 days, you can kill him in anyway shape or form" "ok-" SNAP

Slime steped on a stick, he moved away into the darkness so he wouldn't be seen, purpled jumped onto action and pulled out his sword, he slowly walling behind the bushs but didnt find anything, went he went back to dream he was gone. Slime ran, catching Purpled's attention again they ran into las navadas but soon slime got lost in the crowd of people in one of the strip clubs, purpled followed, slime looked like a weak boy (nothing like his original self) at the time so he was pushed back, purpled looked like it would be a even fight between a average man and him so he wasn't pushed as bad, purpled caught up to him in a flash and warned him to not tell anyone, slime agreed to not tell, after that he went back to his room and laid on his bed as if nothing happend, he heard foot steps going to his room, he changed he look to be his human form ready for someone to come in. It was quackity, he seemed tired, slime went to him for a hug, the hug happened, slime knew what was going ro happen so he pland for tonight to be the night that he was going to check so later on he got up from cuddleing with quackity and went outside, he walked for a while to end up by the the hole he saw at when he was during his epic smp arg or phaze or what ever thing, he knew he was close to molympic, as he walked up to it he heard something behind him, it was a sheep in fact it was a blue sheep, but slime just wanted to check something back at the mountain so he went to pet the sheep *rolled a nat20* he what surprised at the soft wool but kind of got the sheep dirty with his slime so he leaded the sheep to a nearby watering hole and cleaned of the slime there, he said goodbye to the sheep and went back to the mountain. He'd almost forgot that him and ted lived their and called it mount cool, oh the memorys, he got into his god form and flew up (he grow way more taller, has huge wings, and has claws like a hawk for his feet), once he entered he checked the fountain to see if it was clogged, it was not so he could see. He took one of his Cristals and put it in the fountain, the fountain's water started to glow, he said something in minecraftease and he can now see some future events, the events where he, slimecicle, was going to die bc of purpled, he was going to be set back to his last life, then he saw quackity falling, he was confused ab this but he pushed it away. He went back to the casino but he constantly heard sounds from behind him but thought it was the animals little did he know.....
Unknown's pov
Hmmm... obvious, noted, now for more of that ducks lessons then after he dies i can play the part...
1008 words and made by RandomPersonWithGay

Sorry for the delayed post, it was bc i had random motivation boosts then a few words then gone, but anyways hope you have a great rest of your day/night and good bye. (:

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2023 ⏰

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The Slime // A Slimecicle Au Story // Scu × Dsmp × Epic SmpWhere stories live. Discover now