"Shhhh!!" She clawed at my forearm, giving it a harsh squeeze in order to stop me from screaming.

"What is he doing in my bathroom?!" I whisper yell and shoot a glance over my shoulder to make sure Ammi is out of our hearing range.

"Waiting for you. What else?"

"Oh really? Wait, let me just go and–"

"Before you barge in and throw a fit at the poor guy, let me tell you, Saira is sleeping on your bed. So make sure you guys keep it down."

"What do you mean by 'keeping it down?' It's not like we're gonna–"

"I don't wanna hear it." She raised a palm to stop me from probably saying 'we're going to have mad sex in the bathroom and bring the wall down the very first time. When she continues her descent, I inquire feeling panic rise inside of me.

"Where are you going?"

"Downstairs to put Muaz to sleep." She shrugs. "Don't wanna third wheel the two of you. And since you guys are nikahfied, I don't really have to give a damn about what you do, right? So, enjoy!" I gape at her, my jaw hitting the floor as she sends me a sly wink and disappears down the living room.

Before mustering up the courage to face him, I spare myself a minute and think this through.

Why is he here? The first question struck me.

What does he want?

I did have an idea that the grooms love to sneak out at night to meet their to-be wife from my friends. And the reason why they did this was for fun. Plain and simple.

But with Imran, I really couldn't tell.

I refuse to believe he's here for what Rehana baji just blabbered about. I think I know him that much to say he's not that kind of a man. Horny and desperate. Yet, I couldn't be sure. Even if he was here for anything of that sort, all I'll have to do is scream at the top of my lungs or slap him in the face. If that doesn't work, knee him down there.

Yes! I nod, feeling much more confident and collected than before. With slow steps, I make my way toward my room and slowly push the door open. Sure, Saira was fast asleep on the bed. The room was empty with no sign of Imran. But the open window and the light coming from behind the bathroom door sent my heart racing.

'If he wants to talk, hear him out.'

'If he wants to do more than just talk, kick him out.'

I chant mentally, taking cautious steps in the direction of the loo and pushing the door open.

"Heyyy," Imran greets me with a grin, from where he sat at the pot with the seat down.


"Khairyat?" He asks, squirting some of my hand cream between his palms.

"Uhhh. . .Haaaann," I drag the word a bit, trying to figure out what he's doing here.

"Main bhi theek hoon."

"I didn't–"

"I know, that's why I said it on my own. By the way, this cream smells amazing. I'm going to buy one for myself too." He says, moving to stand on his feet. Suddenly the place felt a lot smaller than it was, due to his large frame right in the middle of these four walls. "Shut the door," Imran said, with a sudden change of tone in his voice.

"No." I refused, meeting his gaze.

He does not say anything for a second. Instead, walks towards the sink and puts the hand cream back into the basket under it. His long and muscled arm comes around me to grab the handle of the bathroom door and push it shut behind us with a mild thud.

Kesariya Tera Ishq ✔Where stories live. Discover now