Grief Group

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Thomas' POV

Today is my first day attending Grief Group. I was nervous, I have to admit, but not really.

I'm not an open person, I've never been honest with anyone except myself. The reason why I'm going to Grief Group is because my dad passed away recently due to being murdered, I haven't seen him in years before everything, though. But he was still everything to me, I mean he is my father after all.

Life is crazy, you know, good or bad. And it sucks but that's just how it is.

I'm 16 years old and I live in Brooklyn New York.


As soon as I entered Grief Group everyone sat and stared at me, making me uncomfortable.

"Hello! Welcome to Grief Group. I'm Teresa." I smiled, sitting down next to a blonde boy.

He looked up, eyes red. He smiled, but looked down again. I pated his back, nervous to talk I knew I should. "Hey.. You okay? I'm Thomas, by the way." I whispered, he shook his head, looking up at me. He sniffed. "I-I'm N-Newt." He shuttered and cried again. I hugged him. "Shh, it's gonna be alright. I'll always be here."

And then the Grief Group started.


Two years has passed even since I met Newt at Grief Group, he's the best thing that's ever happened to me, my best friend.

He doesn't know that I like him though, because over the past two years I never came out to him, I wasn't ready.

Since we're both 18 now we're roommates, we share an apartment and go to the same school. Newt was almost off of work and should be home any second.

"I'm home Tommy!" He called out. "Hey, Newt. How was work?" I smiled and so did he, setting down his satchel and hanging up his coat. "Good, actually." All of the sudden I started to feel sick, I wonder how he'll react.

"Newtie, there's something I got to tell you. Please don't hate me." He looked at me concerned, grabbing my arm and pulling me to the couch. "I could never hate you, you're my best friend. Now tell me, what's wrong?"

I took a deep breath, then, I let the words spill.

"I'm in love with you, Newt. I've loved you ever since I met you at Grief Group. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me.. Don't you see? I know you always think you're not worth it, but Newton, you are. You're worth it to me. You're like an angel that was sent down to Earth that I'm so lucky to have. I can tell you anything and you won't judge me. You're always there. You're always the one to put a smile on everyones face but your own. You deserve the world, Newt. You really truly do. You're so beautiful, smart, adorable, funny. You're absolutely perfect."

He smiled, putting his hand on my cheek.

"Tommy, you are my world." And he pressed his lips to mine, as if sparks were flying.

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