⸺ chapter three

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please don't mind the spelling errors i made this as quick as i could, so i could get it out for you guys!!

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believe it or not, not
                  everyone seems to like me.
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no, i believe it.

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❛ you love yourself more than you could ever love me ❜
— picture to burn, taylor swift

·  ·  · ────────────── ·  ·  ·❛ you love yourself more than you could ever love me ❜— picture to burn, taylor swift

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maggie was approaching the great hall, her bag filled with books slung over her shoulder. her fingers weaved through her hair, carefully braiding a small peice in the front. it was friday. the day after her encounter and meeting with the marauders. it wasn't hard for maggie to get them out of her head. she simply assumed that it was a one time encounter and she wouldn't be associating with the four again, but as she walked into the great hall she was faced with the marauders and about five girls.

sirius black was the first to notice her, "well, if it isn't the girl we were just talking about." the girls sitting in between and next to the boys face palmed at his choice of words even though they were true.

"well, do me a favor and tell me what's so interesting about me that you had to chat about," maggie asked, adjusting the rings on her fingers.

"we'll tell you if you sit down for a chat," potter spoke up, looking up at the standing girl. "knowing these two it may take a while," lupin made the comment while peter agreed.

"thanks for the offer, but strong hard pass," maggie said, starting to advance to the ravenclaw table.

"guess you don't want to know why we were talking about you," peter stated. maggie rolled her eyes annoyed at all four of them, and even slightly creeped out with the girls because of they're longing and lingering stares.

"if i sit down, will you stop bothering me," maggie asked, watching as they all nodded she placed sat down onto the bench in between james and sirius. "make it quick."

"well marlene here," remus pointed to a girl with blonde hair and a gryffindor uniform on, "asked how detention was last night, so we just decided to tell her about our lovely encounter with you."

maggie glanced at them all, growing bored of the conversation. adjusting the bracelets hanging from her wrist, she grabbed a piece of bacon and took a bite out of it.

"it's been fun, but i told jules i'd meet her for breakfast before classes, so it's been nice seeing you lads," lennon spoke as she stood up and retrieved her bag from the floor.

"wait!" a girl with fiery red hair shouted, her green eyes boring into maggie's. "would you tell jules i said that i'll meet her in the library at 7?" she asked.

"and who do i say that's from?" maggie questioned, while the girls laughed giddily at lily and the boys smirked, knowing about lily's small crush on the girls best friend.

"oh, i'm so sorry! it's from lily. lily evans," lily said, shaking the girls hand.

"i will be sure to tell her and its been a pleasure to meet you all," maggie spoke, ignoring the sarcastic wave that sirius and james were giving her.

"bye mags," james said, watching maggie snicker and walk to the ravenclaw table. once maggie saw her friend, jules, she sat down across from her telling her all about the encounter with the marauders and lily evans.

authors note !

hello loves! it would be amazing if you commented and voted, it really gives me the motivation to write. i know this chapter is a bit short, but i wanted to get this out for you guys before i update my jj maybank and conrad fisher fanfics!!

mrs magic ,, j. potterWhere stories live. Discover now