A Look at the Work of Data Scientists and Data Analysts

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To start, it's important to know the difference between data science and data analytics. First, let's look at what each one means. Northeastern University says that the purpose of data analysis is to answer questions so that business decisions can be made better. It focuses on certain areas with clear goals and uses data that already exists to find relevant insights.

Data science, on the other hand, focuses on finding new questions that you may not have known you needed to answer to drive business innovation. Continue reading for a full look at both careers, which will help you decide which one is best for you.

WHAT SKILLS DO YOU NEED TO HAVE TO BE A DATA ANALYST?Here are the skills that should be on your resume at all times:
1.Data Visualization
2.Data Cleaning
5.Microsoft Excel
6.Think carefully

WHAT SKILLS DO YOU NEED TO HAVE TO BE A DATA SCIENTISTTake a look at the top six skills a data scientist will need in 2022:1. Learning by Machine2. Deep Learning3. Higher-level statistics4. Mathematics5. Modeling that looks ahead6. Programming

WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A CAREER IN DATA SCIENCE AND DATA ANALYSIS?It might be hard to choose between a job in data analytics or data science because some of the tasks are the same. Here's a short list that will help you decide which job path to take:

1. Do you like to look through current data and information to find information that will help you? (Data Analysts)2. Are you ready to use data sets to come up with new questions that will help stakeholders drive business innovation? (Data Science)3. Can you picture yourself cleaning up huge sets of data so you can quickly tell if a theory is true or false? (Data Analysts)4. Are you able to slice and dice large amounts of data using tools like Excel and SQL? (Data Analysts)5. Do you know how to use BI tools like Power BI to create reports? (Data Analysts)6. Do you know how to use tools for big data like Hadoop and Spark? (Data Science)7. Do you know how to use statistical software like Python, R, or SAS in a basic way? (Data Analysts)8. Do you like programming languages like Python, R, or Scala, or do you already know how to use them? (Data Science)9. Can you use technologies like QlikView, D3.js, and Tableau to view data sets? (Data Science)Are you ready to spend most of your time processing, cleaning, and checking data? (Data Science)10. Do you like to spend most of your time making data visualisations and key performance indicators (KPIs)? (Data Analysts)

WHAT INDUSTRIES ARE HIRING?According to Career Foundry, the top industries hiring data analysts in 2022 include:1. Business Intelligence2. Finance3. Sharing economy services4. Healthcare5. Entertainment

Data Analytics and Business Intelligence course (DA/BI course) is one of the best best data analytics programs offered by Syntax Technologies in the market. The program is designed to train people with little to no programming background to become data professionals that combine analytical skills and programming skills - using data manipulation, data visualization, data cleansing and much more to make sense of real-world data sets and create data dashboards/visualizations to share your findings. Emroll Now : https://www.syntaxtechs.com/courses/data-analytics-and-business-intelligence-training-course-online

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2022 ⏰

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