10 - it seems you got lost

Start from the beginning

He only shrugs his shoulders.

I try to be threatening, but only manage to narrow my eyes at him, which does not threaten him in the slightest.

In fact, I swear I almost see him smi-

Not possible.

He doesn't.

"Hellooo? Anyone in there. What. Am. I. Doing. In. Here." I poke his forehead and in response he only closes his eyes.

The audacit-

"You brought yourself in here. It seems you got lost?" His eyes are still closed, and I look closely at his eyelashes, so long and dark and I'm jealous at how thick they are. I reach out to touch them but-

He opens his eyes, staring straight at me, then at my finger, halfway to his face, then back at me.

His eyebrow raises again.

"What are you doing?" I play it off casually.

"Nothing." I keep my face neutral, a trick I've seemed to learn from someone over here.

He only hums out and sits up against his pillows.

I really need to wash my face and brush my teeth.

I start to get up off the bed, but I'm pulled back by a short, harsh yank of my hair.

I shout out, sitting up and rubbing the back of my head.

"That hurt. What the hell!" My head is stinging, but the pain is slowly going away. It wasn't that hard of a pull I guess. It just startled me.

He's leaning forward, one elbow resting on the mattress, while the other arm is spread out on the sheets from when he pulled my hair.

I don't want to focus on how good he looks right now, especially with the sun in his eyes, making them look a lighter shade of hazel.

"What was that for?" My voice seems to have lost a bit of it's earlier confidence, and it just comes out a little shaky. I'm just going to pretend it's the side effects of just getting your hair pulled by a really hot-

I need cherries.

"What? I didn't do anything." He plays it off. Wow.

Just then, a door slams somewhere, and there's shouting and voices walking closer to us.

My heart is frantic in my chest, fear creeping up inside of me.

We're getting robbed.

I leap closer to Rocco, effectively jumping straight on top of him, and he lets out an 'oomf'.

He doesn't seem to mind that I'm basically straddling right now, my face in his neck, and my body shaking with, guess what?


I breathe in his smell of musk and some other underlying freshness that reminds me a lot of mint.

It helps me relax slightly, but the footsteps are getting closer, and Rocco doesn't seem phased at all.

In fact, he seems annoyed.

I look back at his face, detaching myself slightly from him, and his eyes are just narrowed in annoyance at something, or someone at the door.

His hand is resting on my lower back now, and the warmth sends all sorts of buzzing feelings running across my bloodstream.

"Rocco, who is it? Are we getting robbed? I'm scared. Maybe we should-"

"We're not getting robbed, baby." He groans out and falls back onto the mattress, me falling with him, and I grunt at the impact of his hard chest, my legs still wrapped around him.

"Yay, doggy pile." A male voice I don't recognise shouts, and then someone is jumping on top of me, and suddenly I can hardly br




I'm gasping against Rocco's chest, and then another pressure is weighing me down.

Then I'm being lifted off, and i can finally breathe again.

"What the fuck? She couldn't breathe, fucking idiots."

Rocco get's up off of the bed, and I suck in a few more breaths before turning and seeing who tried to murder me.

Theres a boy with straight, raven black hair, his dark eyes nearly the same shade, and he has one hell of a big grin on his face as he looks at me.

He put's his hand out for me, the light skin smooth and friendly. His hands are big, and adorned with rings, and his jaw is strong, a contradiction to the kindness on his face. "Ren. Ren Yamamoto. It's a pleasure to finally meet the principessa." His trial at an Italian accent clearly fails, because Rocco slaps him upside the head.

Ren bows his head at me, and curtseys, and I can't help the laugh that escapes from my mouth as he does so.

"Nice to meet you Ren. Is there a reason you tried to kill me?" His grin seems to only widen at my response, and he looks to Rocco before planting on a straight face.

I can tell he's trying to reign in his laughter, and frankly, so am I.

"I thought we were playing doggy pile, what with you lying all over on top of fatso Fiori here." He gestures to Rocco, who only rolls his eyes and shakes his, but I see a hint of a smile on his lips.

"Fatso Fiori?" I question, the amusement clear as day in my voice.

"Yeah, yeah, he's not ft whatever. It's the only nickname I have for him. If you get it, because he's not fat, but like.. Yeah, you get it." He actually facepalms himself.

I laugh.

Rocco glares.

"What the fuck are you doing here at.. 9 fucking am in the morning, yama." I catch onto the nickname and let out another laugh. It seems I can't keep myself so controlled today.

It feels nice to meet another person who hasn't lost the will to live yet.

"I thought it was finally time to meet this beautiful lady that we'e heard nothing about. Care to explain?"

Rocco's glare intensifies. "No."

Ren just nods his head, backing away out of the door with his hands up. "Well, I'll be downstairs, giving ya'll lovebirds some privacy. Nice to meet you, principessa."

Another glare.

Then he's gone.

I sigh out, smiling slightly at the whole thing.

Rocco turns his gaze back onto me and runs his hand across his face.

"Ignore him. He's an idiot." He says.

I make my way to the door, very ready to freshen myself up.

"I like him, he seems funny." Rocco only narrows his eyes again, and turn back to the door before heading off back to my room.


I love Ren.

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