Chapter 1

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U r all so amazing x Thank u so much for the lovely comments x I love you and enjoy x
Also Harry can read lips so Louis' talks to him normally. X
Harry's POV
A light pressure on my stomach woke me up from my deep sleep and I was almost blinded by the sun. I lifted myself up when I noticed something black and fluffy lying on my stomach. A kitten! The ball of furr stood up and looked at me with small greeny-grey eyes making me aw at it's cuteness. I picked it up as I lied back down on my back and cuddled the little kitten against my chest. The kitten purring was felt against my chest and as I looked down, smiling I noticed a little note tied around its neck. Untying the note, I put the kitten aside so I could read it. Good morning, baby. Hope you are well and like the little ball of furr. When I went to get you a cat, I knew he'd be the one. He's very cuddly as you noticed and likes everyone. At least that is what that Emma girl told me, the worker. Anyway. Its our 2 year anniversary today so happy anniversary, babyboo. I love you so so much and I hope you know this. I love your smile, I love your big hands and how perfectly they fit with my small ones. I love your curls and how messy they are when you wake up. I love how you always make me breakfast and bring it to bed. I love you for you and please never change. I love you with all your flaws and that is how it should be. And you are perfect to me although your flaws x
Be ready by 3 pm tonight. I am taking you out so dress casually x Until then you can eat breakfast I made you and take a shower and clean yourself nicely for our wild night tonight;)
Lots of love, Louis xx
I blushed at the last sentence and grinned widely, thinking of how amazing tonight will be. I sweapt my feet from the bed and soon felt the soft, fluffy carpet under my feet, tickling it. The unnamed kitten followed me to the bathroom where I pulled my boxers down, stepping into the hot shower. I used the strawberry shower gel because its obviously Louis' favourite and cleaned myself well. Since I washed my hair yesterday already and it was still soft and smelt decent, I decided to leave it be and rather shaved my private area. After my refreshing shower, I wrapped a large white towel around my waist and headed back to mine and Louis' room to get some clean boxers. I pulled my Kelvin Clein white boxers on and picked up the kitten,.walking down to the kitchen. Smiling at the lovely sight before me, I walked towards the counter where pancakes and some fresh strawberries we're placed at. I set down at the stool, putting him on my lap and started to eat. "What should I name you?" I asked the cat before I placed the delicious pancake in my mouth along with a piece of a strawberry, thought I knew he wouldn't understand and I was deaf after all. Then I thought for a bit. Since I was little I always wanted a cat and wanted to name him Oliver and Louis knew that so that's why he bought me a cat who was a he, meant to be named Oliver. "So Oliver it is."
I finished my breakfast, putting the dirty dishes into the washing machine. Next to the fridge there stood two small bowls and a box of cat food so I poured a little milk into one and filled the other one with the cat food. It was 2 o'clock already so I decided to get ready for my date with Louis. Meanwhile Oliver ate, I ran up the stairs to get dressed and get Louis' present. I got him a necklace with Endless love engreved into it. I smiled as I put the box on the bed and walked to my closet. Putting on my black skinny jeans, I decided to not wear a T-shirt but a blue button up. Slipping it on, I slipped the black box with the neckless in my front pocket of my jeans. It was 15 minutes to three so I walked to the body size mirror next to my dresser,checking myself out. I looked decent just fixed my messy curls and slipped my phone into my jeans. Oliver was down the stairs, looking up at me. I grinned at him, walking down the stairs as the door opened and in came no one else them Louis. My love. I blushed as he gawked at me and walked towards. "You look absolutely gorgeous", I read his lips. Yeah, I could to that since he spoke slowly. "You look beautiful." I told him. He was wearing a pair of dark blue skinnies, a white tee and a leather jacket with a pair of his black Vans. Moving closer to me, he placed a soft and passionate kiss on my pink lips. After a minute of soft, light kisses, we finally pulled apart. "How do you like my present, baby? He asked. "He is gorgeous, Lou. Thank you so much", I said, pecking his lips. "I guess you named him Oliver,huh", he smiled and I nodded, grinning.
"Happy anniversary, baby." "Happy anniversary, Lou."
We walked hand in hand down the beach, holding our shoes in out free hands. "Did you enjoy the walk, baby?" Louis asked after he turned to face me so I could read his lips. "I did, Lou." I nodded as I wrapped my arms around him. He already knew that I just wanted to stay like that for a few minutes, wrapped in his arms, head against his chest as he ran his fingers through my curls. I felt the sand between my toes and I didn't care at all. All it mattered was Louis and only Louis. I wanted to stay like this forever but unfortunately I couldn't. Soon we pulled away and Louis recommended to go and get some dinner. I nodded and he wrapped an arm around me and pulled me closer to him as he kissed my hair. I grinned, fiddling with the bottom of his shirt as we walked down to the city to get some food. Thought Louis said getting hot dogs wasn't a romantic thing to do on our 2 year anniversary, I told him it didn't matter as long as I was with him to witch he smiled and brought me into a loving kiss. We got our hot dogs and set on some swings in the park that was just opposite the hot dog stand. I had Louis on my lap since he was smaller. His short legs we're wrapped around me and he was facing me. "I know this is not romantic, Lou but the important thing is that we are enjoying it and I am. I just want to spend this time with you no matter where,okay. So don't feel bad. I think this is the best date so far. Come here, Lou." I said after we ate and Louis complained how this date was bad and not romantic. He grinned and cuddled into me. "I got you something, babe" I said and he pulled back. "You didn't have to." He said and smiled. "I wanted thought. " I slipped the black box out of my pocket and opened it. Louis' eyes widened and he put his hand against his mouth. "H-Harry it's beautiful." He stuttered, hugged me and pulled me into his chest. I smiled. "So you like it?" "Like it? Haz, I love it, baby. Gosh I love you so much, sunshine. So much." He told me, tears in his eyes. I just smiled and whipped his tears away, telling him to stand up so I can put the necklace on. He than turned to me and spoke: "And I got you something as well. But you'll get it tomorrow. I promise you'll love it. For now, baby I have something else planed." He whispered, showing me a hotel room card.
I blushed and we walked hand in hand towards the hotel, both excited for the long night that was ahead of us.
Here it is! The first chapter:)
Hope y'all liked it. So I warn you the next chapter will contain smut so beware :P
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Lots of love x

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2015 ⏰

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