"I... I think it's coming." Tears were falling down her face.

She wiped the tears off of Hee-su's soft face, "It's going to be okay love, everything's gonna be alright. Let's get you to the infirmary."

They just made it to the nurse when they heard footsteps pounding behind them. Su-hyeok ran in with a what looked like to be a bloodied Hyeon-ju, On-jo, I-sak, and Mrs. Park assisted him.

"Please help."

"Well shit." Ae-Cha looked at her friend. "What do you want to do?"

"Can't wait. Leave."

"Okay. Okay. Let's go get your bag."

Together the two made their way back. After retrieving the backpack they attempted to quickly make their way out of the school building. Albeit it wasn't exactly fast.

"Where are we going?" Ae-Cha asked.

"You are staying here, and I'll figure it out on the way."

"No. Just no. You're in pain Hee-su, you can't just go walking the streets."

Hee-su smiled at her, she was grateful to have such a wonderful friend beside her, but she had to do this on her own.

"Please. I'll be okay Ae-Cha. Stay here with your lover boys."

Ae-Cha rolled her eyes and sighed, "Okay. Text me. Send me a picture when you have the little alien, okay? I want to see my god kid before anyone else." She felt her eyes beginning to pool with tears. She didn't understand why she was crying. But she could feel the air was off and this parting was different than before.

"I promise."

Hee-su slowly walked through the front gate of the school and Ae-Cha turned around with the intent of heading back to the front doors, nearly being hit by the 119 van. She reached the group at just the end of the conversation, Mrs. Park was already telling Su-hyeok and On-jo to head back to class. So she tagged along.

Ae-Cha, Su-hyeok, and On-jo were walking up the stairs discussing the previous situation.

"What happened to Hyeon-ju?"

"We don't know, she was bleeding badly, thrashing around, and even tried to bite us."

"Like a zombie?" Ae-Cha asked.

Su-hyeok scrunched up his face, "Yeah I guess so?" He turned to On-jo. "Are you okay? Did she bite you?"

"No. It's just a scratch."

Ae-Cha tuned out the rest of the conversation. She grabbed her airpods from her bag and turned on some music. It was an american band, called Cigarettes After Sex. The girl wouldn't say she was exactly fluent in English but she knew it pretty well. She didn't always know what they were saying in the songs but she just loved the way it made her feel. She felt a tingling sensation everytime she listened to their songs, like her body was at ease and she could let everything go. She craved that feeling of euphoria.

All of a sudden two people of the three stopped. She forgot she wasn't alone. She paused her music and looked at the two.

"Hey, you said you wanted to meet on the roof?"


"You said come up after lunch. Can you just tell me now? I'm actually playing basketball after lunch."

On-jo looked at Su-hyeok and then nodded at Ae-Cha. Ae-Cha pointed out her airpods and then pointed at the phone and scrolled. She didn't press play on the music. Should she be eavesdropping? No. It was rude. She knew that, but what does it really matter? She was secretly looking at the two. On-jo reached into her pocket and held out her closed fist. Ae-Cha's eyes widened at that, realizing what her friend was doing.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2022 ⏰

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