The Basement

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I awake, sitting in a chair. The window behind me has a full moon behind it, glowing a soft white.

"Ugh. Was I knocked out?" I ask myself as I rub my head. "Wait a minute. Shouldn't I be on my floor? Whatever," I say to myself as I exit the room.

As I exit the room, I look in my bag. I have a dagger, some bandages, some needles and thread for stitching someone up, and a gun. I also have another dagger strapped to my thigh.

As I'm walking the hall, I come upon writing on the wall. You must figure it for yourself. Who and what are you? Are you who you've always been, or are you who you wish to be? Are you an angel or a sacrifice? Know yourself and the gate will open.

"Easy, I'm an angel. I don't know why I'm down here though."

I enter the room that's next to me. There's a computer on an empty desk.

"The information screen is open," a voice from the computer says. "Commencing data entry. Please enter the questions. What is your name?"

"I'm Violet Gray."

"What is your age?"


"Why are you here?"

"I know I'm here as an angel but I don't know why I'm on this floor. It seems as if I was knocked out. The memory of why I was even knocked out is all fuzzy. It's starting to get clearer though."

"What do you want to do next?"

"I want to get back to my floor and then leave this place. I've been here too long. I need to get back to my job."

"Entry complete. Providing key card to begin play."

I grab the key card and walk down the hall to an elevator. There's only an up button. I push it and a voice comes from the speakers.

"The woman on the lowest level has become a sacrifice. Please be ready on your respective floors. The play area is beyond this point. The gate will now open," the voice says as the gate opens.

I get off the elevator and see B6 painted on the wall. I notice that the floor is a small city. Walking down the street, I feel used to it. It reminds me of walking through allies at night.

I come across a newspaper that has a story about a serial killer on it. I don't read it, not bothered by it. I walk down the street, coming across what looked like a murder scene.

"Looks like I'm on another angel's floor."

My head starts to hurt and I go sit against a wall. I remember why I was sent down to become a sacrifice. I refused to kill a young teen. I tried to fight back against the person that was in charge here but I was hit in the head and they sedated me.

"No wonder my head hurts."

As I'm sitting against the wall, someone breaks through the doorway that was barricaded with wood planks.

"Hello," I say.

"I'm holding a scythe and all you do is stay in your spot and say hello."

"Yeah. Should I not have?"

"I'm gonna give you three seconds to run before I kill you."

"Umm, okay. Bye," I say getting up and running down the hall.

"One. Two. Three."

I run into a storage room and hide in one of the boxes. He comes into the room.

"Where is she? I guess I slice through every one of these. I'll find her eventually."

At least I'm wanted by someone. I wait, slowing my breathing. His scythe cuts through the top of the crate I'm in, cutting off a piece of my hair.

I wait till I'm sure he's gone and I get out of the crate. I leave the room I'm in and search for a way to get the elevator to work again. As I'm walking past where I had my first interaction with the other angel, I see something silver on the floor.

Picking it up, I see it's a key with the tag, Control Room, on it. I walk down the street some more till I come upon a metal ladder leading to the ceiling.

I look at the sign that says control room and points up, confirming I'm going the right way. Once I get up there, I push the button that allows me to enter the elevator.

Rushing to the elevator room, I slowly open the door and walk in. As I shut the door, a rock falls from the ceiling.

"Why hello. How's the view?"

"Your not scared of me?"

"Nope," I say as he jumps down. I dodge his scythe.

"Now I really should get going. I have a job that I need to get back to," I say heading towards the elevator.

He runs up behind me and I move to the side as he swings the scythe down. I grab the handle of the scythe and pull. With one last tug, I yank the scythe out of the angel's hands. I throw the scythe to the side and head to the elevator. As I get in, I push the up button as he grabs the scythe.

He charges at me scythe in hand as the elevator doors start to shut. "Bye." The elevator doors shut just as he swings his scythe at it.

As I'm in the elevator, I have the strange feeling that I've met that guy before, but I don't know where.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2023 ⏰

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