Chapter 14: He Knows, Perhaps Too Much

शुरू से प्रारंभ करें:

Tyler, Zuriel, and Wang Yibo were his three favorites, he taught them everything they needed to know while growing up and they did everything possible to impress him, each wanting their father's attention for themselves but among them and his other children, he favored one more.

One thing he could say they had in common was they were all determined, especially when they set their goals, they won't stop till they get their hands on what they wanted, even at the cost of their lives or losing their lives on each other's sword.

In Tyler, he saw a man full of avarice, and greed, a man who won't hesitate to kill his own for the sake of what he wants, a man that loves to be worshipped as a god. He was voracious and power hungry.

In Zuriel, he saw a little boy who didn't want to be left behind. A boy who did things because others were doing it. Even at that, what he wanted, he would kill to get it. He was equally rapacious, which he learned from his older brother Tyler.

However, for his third son, Wang Yibo, he saw something different. They called him reckless, womanizer, and a spoiled brat but beneath all that, laid a man who was ready to do anything to protect the ones he loved. King Genghis saw the potential of a true king and a leader in that one.

They thought he was clueless but he won't be their father if he didn't know them like as he knew how to count his fingers. However, he wasn't expecting Tyler to strike too soon. He was so impatient!

"Doing this would bring more trouble to the five kingdoms," his adviser, Xylon mumbled beside him, both watching the oldest prince through the window.

Once again, King Genghis sighed. "There are some things that can't be prevented Xylon. They are my sons and at the same time, I am also a king that has a kingdom to protect, I can't side with one alone,"

Xylon shook his head. "But innocent lives will be lost,"

"It's meant to be. You heard what the seer said when they were born, they will bring destruction and salvation to the five kingdoms and we all know who's bringing the destruction and who's bringing the salvation, it's predictable," And at the same time sad.

"Tyler will get rid of Zuriel first, Wang Yibo is a rougher opponent but Tyler becoming King means death for all of us," Xylon tsked.

The king shook his head "The seer never said Tyler would kill Wang Yibo. The third prince's fate has never been a clear one though it's not much different than Zuriel's. If he wins the war, he still won't be the ruler of the five kingdoms, it's not in his fate to become king,"

Or it just wasn't his fate to live long.

"The seer said Wang Yibo wasn't supposed to be alive, something or someone is keeping him alive, there's a possibility that he might make it," -Xylon.

The King nodded. "Perhaps he found favor before the eyes of the gods and he was sent a guardian fairy. I say we just go with the wind and see where it lands us, worst is expected,"


Under a pouring rain, The first Prince Of Dawnton came under a dark cave rooted at the far edge of the forest. Tyler cursed at the weather and went deeper into the cave guarded by a fire touch till he eventually arrived at a wall. "Come out, Prince Tyler of Dawnton seeks your presence," He clamored and his voice resounded throughout the cave and soon came toward him with a rush of dark waves of energy that made him stumbled but kept his balance.

"You dare disturb the peace of Quanika," A cranky voice echoed and before his eyes, a figure in a pitless cloak and hoodie stood before him.

Prince Tyler smirked. "It's I, future King of Dawnton,"

The figure hissed. "Oh, you greedy prince, your destiny is as dark as your heart,"

Tyler ignored the statement. "I need your help,"

Again, the cranky and old voice hissed. "Why would I help someone like you, you are filled with nothing pure or good,"

Again, he ignored the offensive part of the statement. "I can give you what you want,"

The black figure got closer, suddenly interested. "And what do I want, Prince?"

"Your true form which can only be acquired through the golden pearl," He answered.

It hissed. "You are a ravenous prince, how can I trust you?"

Quanika they called her. Once the prettiest and fairest in all five kingdoms, at the same time, she was a sorceress, selfish to the core, and stole from the gods. As punishment, her form was taken away and now, she was either human or spirit.

"Your father cast me out of my home, you think I will help his son!" She continued with a loud tone.

Tyler glared. "Whatever hatred is between you and my father, I've come for me or no one else," He was beginning to grow impatient. If he walk out, she had more to lose than he did.

"What do you want?"

Tyler's lips curved into a smirk. "I want the Omega prince of Frigon,"

"The Omega prince of Frigon?" She laughed at the absurdity. "Why would you go for something that is way heavier than what your shoulders can carry, it's a death wish I will advise against,"

The prince's glare got sharper. "He's everything that I need and with him by my side, I will be the greatest of all,"

Again, Quanika laughed at the absurdity. "He was born with powers that sorcerers like us could only practice from nature. He's blessed beyond mortals. I refuse to stand against what the gods took their time to create. Losing my form was enough, I do not wish to lose my last bit of existence,"

Tyler smirked cause he wasn't returning without a result and she could kiss her last bit of existence goodbye because he didn't care.


And the plot thickens my people, prepare for the worst and fluff from our favorite couple.

EVIGHEDEN ||Yizhan Fanfic|| OMEGAVERSE AUजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें