chapter 38

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Kate's pov: I woke up with yelena in my arms and shuri,america and kamala all looking at me
Kate: what
Kamala: the boys are outside
Kate: they can come in as long as their quiet
The boys came in quietly and I looked at the rest only to realise eli wasn't there
Kate: where's eli
Billy: he's getting a suit for the mission tonight
Yelena: good and have asher on speed dial
Tommy: how will he get here in time
Kate: he has superspeed because of the necklace
Eli: I'm here hey
Kate: so the suit
Eli: it's right her and I got you one kate and I got yelena a dress that kinda matches
Cassie: so what do you want us doing
Yelena: keep your distance and dont talk to anyone unless they talk to you, no drinking at all and billy,Tommy stay here remember your our kids
Billy: got it what about kamala and cassie also nick and liam
Yelena: liam and kamala are going as a couple yelena and I are and eli is going alone as far as we are concerned
Bruno: so what about us
Kate: your stay here on the coms with shuri to help us bruno you,nakia and ava will help laim and Kamala billy and tommy you will help america and nick
Cassie: what about you guys
Yelena: you will help us now you have your jobs let's go get breakfast
We all went and ate food then came back and watched something's. Later we had lunch then we watched more stuff till we all had to get ready for the party. After we finished we met eli outside
Eli: its james at the party remember
Kate: yep
Once we arrived kamala and liam walked in then we got it the place was huge it had a really big canderlar in the middle that was lighting the place up the was a staircase that lead up to rooms there was a lot of food and drinks I kinda froze seeing it all, someone tapped on my shoulder and I looked to see eli
Kate: hey james
Eli: holly
Kate: what
Eli: he's here look
I looked up and made eye contact with him and he started to walk over to us
???: hi I'm sam and you are
Kate: holly
Sam: and him
Kate: my brother james adopted
Sam: and this girl here
Kate: my girlfriend paige
Sam: well it's nice to meet you guys dont forget to drink something it might get a little hard to breathe
Yelena: why would we drink something then
Sam: never mind
Sam walked away then I laid eyes on kamala and liam
Kate: paige keep an eye on kamala james keep and eye on liam okay
Eli,yelena: okay
They left my side and i went around just talking till some music started and i was grabbed by my hips
Sam: hey wanna dance
Kate: sure
He was like a different person now last time he was more confident and now hes a little shy. While we were dancing I notice him getting closer to my ear
Sam: help me please
He pulled away and we finished the dance then I walked away from him but he grabbed my wrist turning me around
Kate: what sam
Sam: I know who you are kate bishop were smarter then you think
I got my wrist free then I had kamala and liam leave which they did and mintues later were home safe ag the hotel which means it was just eli,yelena and me here so I walked up to them
Yelena: what
Kate: something is wrong he either has D.I.D or hydra mind controlled him and hes breaking through because when we were dancing he was a completely different person he even asked for help but after he went back to the stone cold dick
Eli: okay can you get him into knw of the rooms
Kate: I can try
They left and I walked back over to him his eyes softened when he looked at me
Sam: hey kate
Kate: please holly
Sam: fine holly
Kate: why dont we go into a room alone or something
Sam: dont you have a girlfriend
Kate: I dont think she would care
Sam: okay
We went upstairs and into a room alone, And the second the door closed I was pinned against the wall and he was kissing my so I kissed back trying to keep the mission going yet he already knew, I had the door lock and I had a really bad feel. He picked me up then pinned me on the bed after walking over
Sam: you sure
Kate: sam um
Sam: please I need your help
That's when the realization hit he need this for the mind control to wear off so I nodded my head
Sam: I need a verbal consent holly
Kate: yes
After awhile we heard knocking on the door
???: sir are you in there
Sam: yes what do you want
???: we found two people still here
Sam: its okay give them a room to stay in then leave
???: okay sir
They guy left and I rolled on top of sam
Kate: I still have a girlfriend
Sam: thanks kate but how did you know I need this
Kate: no one has ever begged for consent ever and well with my girlfriend we don't really do it anyways which is fine because we have two kids and two dogs
Sam: and the others before that
Kate: there was one but he never asked for consent
Sam: oh well okay but you should get some sleep
Sam got up and put boxers on then left. After some minutes I heard the door slam shut and I heard it lock
Kate: yelena calm down okay it was for the mission it didn't mean anything
Yelena: you sure
Kate: yes he need it he was mind controlled yelena are job was to save him or kill him I chose to save him instead we need to get him to wakanda so shuri will be taking him
Yelena: okay sleep
Kate: come here

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