chapter 7

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Kate's pov:
Yelena: well that's alot to take in
Bucky: why would steve do it I kinda spaced out
Sam: hydra
Kate: he, billy was he lying
Billy: that's not one of my powers kate
Kate: right I forgot
Strange: no he wasnt lying and from what america said tony is the exact way asher said he was
America: he tried to hit morgan then then asher killed him
Kate: so he's a murderer
Clint: so are all of the avengers and yelena we can't hate him for that
Kate: not all the avengers
Bucky: we've all killed a living breathing thing so yes we are and wether it was alien or not it was still breathing
Tommy: so you guys shame him for it but we can we havent kill anyone
Strange: yeah but dont he doesnt need that right now
There was a buzz and we all looked to the ground
Kate: its Asher's phone he must have dropped it
I picked it up and checked it
Kate: it's a text from me
Yelena: ready it
Kate: it says and I quote " asher please I dont like Peter I love you and only you"
Peter: as in me peter
Kate: i think
Asher: is my phone do-
Kate: we can explain
Asher: no need
Asher took his phone then left. Asher's pov: I read the text and when I got in the room i texted back
Asher: yes you do you always have you dont think I heard you guys having sex when I was supposed to be gone
Kate: please asher we were drunk
Asher: 5 times you guys got drunk within 5 mintues I dont believe that for one second kate stop lying to me
Kate: can we please not text
Asher: yeah call me
She then. called and I answered
Kate: asher please let me explain
Asher: you have four mintues
Kate: I didnt have sex with him it wasnt me
Asher: yes it was I heard the moans and the name calling kate but I stilled stayed with you because I loved you but I'm done and I'm staying here so just leave me alone
I hung up before she could say anything more and I broke my phone then the young avengers walked in
Kate: me and peter
Asher: its peter parker
Peter: so it is me I'm sorry
Asher: it wasn't you you why are you apologizing to me
Peter: um I don't know
Asher: why are you all here
Yelena: you seem hurt and well we came here to try and convince you to join the team
Asher: nope no not happening
Eli: you would be a good asset asher
Asher: no im not working for you guys stop trying to get me to, I'm going for a run
Kate: can I come
Asher: maybe next time
I got up and went outside and just started jogging then I realized someone was following me so I tapped the button on my watch hoping someone would get the sign and not just seconds later the avengers showed up and I stopped running
Bucky: we got your call your welcome
Asher: them
Tommy ran after him and brought him back. I walked up to them and recognized him and grant ward
Asher: arent you suppose to be dead on this earth
Ward: who are you and why does hydra want you
Asher: none of your businesses
Ward: and I thought you could lead me to my son
Asher: nick ward right also daisy's kid yeah she had a kid with Lincoln I heard wonder if the two know each other
Ward: who's Lincoln
Asher: the person that was suppose to have killed you but I guess I get the pleasure
I put my hand in his chest and ripped his heart out
Asher: anyone hungry
Bucky: I kinda am
Asher: let's clean up the body first
Daisy: we can do that and thank you
May: daisy isn't here for that
Bucky: why are you here
Daisy: I want my son's to join the team
Kate: we would love to have them what are their names
Daisy: nick ward and liam Campbell
Kate: any powers
Daisy: um yeah nick and liam can both age themselves up kinda like those two and um nick has healing power he can heal himself and others he knows combat and is really smart with technology and liam has powers like carol danvers she also trained him so he has control I'll send them over tomorrow
Sam: okay
We left and got pizza after they left then we spent no they spent the rest of the night talking I sat and just started to think and I couldn't get out of my own head

A/N: anyone have any ideas for the story

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