The Selection

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"I don't want to join the Selection."

The words were out of Krystal's mouth so suddenly, without thought, that she had to blink to process her own words.

But it was true; waking up hundreds of years into a dystopian future, different memories, a different body and the world changing into that of a fictional book she had once read. It had all gotten too much for her.

Krystal couldn't face so much at once. She had to stop. Catch her breath before she could go on charging forward.

She didn't even understand what was happening in her life. One minute, she was fine, and the other she just... wasn't.

It had been years since she had read the books, but she remembered enough about it to know certain things.

If competing against 34 other girls in a competition to win the heart of a boy wasn't humiliating enough for the feminist Krystal was, then the knowledge that at the end all she'd be left as would be 'the girl he almost picked' was more than enough.

Krystal definitely didn't want to do that.

So it was quite obvious to her that she must decline going at all.

The looks on her father's and the stranger's face, however, suggested they didn't quite agree with that.

"What? Why?" Her father asked, frowning.

"You can't back out now. You've already been announced, Lady Kriss." The rebel said with a cold expression.

Krystal blinked, but she shook her head. There was no way she was joining The Selection.

"I know I won't win. And then I just realized just how stupid it is to spend months of time chasing after a boy to get his attention. Especially when he will have more than thirty other options." She gave a sarcastic smile to nobody but her past self. Because that was true, despite how it was not the whole reason.

"There's no point in going there. It'll just be time wasted." Precious time she could spend trying to figure out what was happening, why the future was so similar to the book series she had read, and how exactly she came to be here.

Her father looked as though he would say something to refute that, but the rebel started talking before he could.

"No point other than the future of our country. You'll be a princess. What's the harm in trying?"

"None except that I won't actually be chosen. It's in the prince's hands and not mine. He would never choose me." Not when he had America Singer.


Krystal becomes Kriss Ambers when she has put her name in for the selection. Originally, she doesn't want to go to the Selection because she had read the books.

But when Kriss escapes the manor she lives in and actually goes to live among the poorer castes, she realizes how much misery they're living in.

Kriss becomes apart of the Northern Rebels. Because though time and people may have changed, her patriotic heart hadn't.

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