Are You Worthy Of My Heart?

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"Is there any chance, of you actually, you know, getting any feelings for me?" Maxon asked, looking a little worried.

The question was one that I knew the answer to. The answer was no. Because I won't let myself fall for him. Kriss Ambers made that mistake in one lifetime, and that was enough. In this lifetime? I won't let myself get heartbroken like that ever again.

But that didn't mean I could say so. Because the whole purpose of me coming here is supposed to be to win Maxon's heart. Which I will. Just without adding my own feelings in the mix.

So, I playfully hummed, "That depends. We'll have to see," I started, looking at him with a bit of flirtatious glint in my eyes, "Are you worthy of my heart, your Highness?"

The question was playful, but I could see that Maxon was somewhat relieved to hear my answer. It wasn't an outright no, like I knew America's was. So at least he knew there were still 34 possibilities of a happily ever after.

I somewhat pitied the Prince for that. To everyone else, there's a thousand possibilities of happily ever afters. Of hope. Of love.

But for him, all he's known is that he would only get one chance to choose in his lifetime, and 35 girls to choose from. Everything would be orchestrated, monitored and judged by other people. It was really an unfortunate fate.

A question arose in my head, Would he ever really get to find love? Without any pressure? Would he have found his happily ever after without the Selection?

My annoyance at this whole prospect of being paraded around like trophies and treated as property of the crown, not as a person with wishes and rights of our own, lessened a bit as I considered his situation.

He didn't think of us like that. At least from what I understood. Which, admittedly wasn't all that much. But I had a feeling that Maxon wasn't as I originally thought he might be.

My heart beat in a steady rhythm as I came to a conclusion.

He might just be one of the only people in this corrupt system worth saving.

With a slight curtsy, I backed away and left the table after that.

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⏰ Poslední aktualizace: Apr 05, 2023 ⏰

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