Chapter 5- Poor Adam...

Start from the beginning

“What the hell happened?” Vivian yelled. Ashley was busy tending Adam’s wounds.

“I was hungry?” I replied feebly.

“She turned to cannibalism!” Adam yelled. I whipped my head and glared at him before turning to Vivian.

“If you tasted him, then you would know how good he really is.” Vivian glared at me, putting her hand on her hip.

“That does not give you the right to suck his blood!” She wagged a finger at me. “Next time you do that, I will go all Asian on you, okay?”

I nodded, bowing my head. I was trying my best to look ashamed, but it was hard to do when all you can think about is how delicious a certain churro is. In the background I heard Adam screaming again. I turned to see Ashley kneeling beside him, a mouth on his head.

“SEE! If she can do it why can’t I!” I yelled to Vivian. She didn’t respond, clearly ignoring me. She ran to Ashley yanking her off of the churro.

“Seriously, what’s so great about the churro?” She screamed, her face to the sky. She turned to us. “Why do you guys want to eat him so bad?”

“All you need to do is taste him.” Ashley said, her face

turning to a dream like state. I nodded in agreement. Vivian rolled her eyes.

"Oh, for God's sake." She went over to the big churro. "Would you mind if I show these people that you are not addicting?"

"Um," Adam looked at her doubtfully, "Do you really think that's safe for me?"

Vivian waved it off. "Don't worry! I hate eating churros."

Adam looked at her once more before bowing his head to her, giving Vivian the permission to try him. I glared, a growing envy building inside my chest. How come she gets to have it with out any trouble? No fair.

Vivian leaned over and stuck her tongue out to lick it. She stood back on her heels and turned to us. I gasped.

"You see? It is not addicting." She was smiling a creepy smile. That wasn't the reason I gasped. Her pupils dilated, huge enough to look like an alien. I turned to Ashley to see if her eyes were the similar. My mouth opened, slightly agape as I saw that her eyes was like Vivian. She turned to me.

"Your eyes..." I whispered.

"Your eyes aren't much better." She said. I felt like finding a way to look into my reflection, just to see how my eyes looked like. Vivian glanced at Adam, licking her lips slowly. Adam was looking the other way, so he didn't see the predatory look that Vivian was giving him. The leaves crunched under my feet as a neared towards Adam. Ashley was climbing a bolder near by, getting on top of it and took a pouncing position.

Adam slowly craned his head and saw Ashley, who bared her teeth at him. He looked at Vivian and I, sinking the situation in a slothful way. I didn't like the glance he gave me. I felt primal instinct take over, a bubbling feeling of hysteria taking over. I leaned forward and growled at him.

"Oh, shoot." Adam scrambled up and started running. Second time today he was jumped on. This time it wasn't from me though, it was the girl on the rock. Ashley swooped down and swiftly landed on Adam, her teeth sinking into his body. I think she hit an artery, blood splattered on the floor. Adam's eyes rolled back before landing on the ground. He twitched a bit before lying still. I lunged, my mouth open. Before I reached the sugary oasis a hand reached for my arm and stopped me.

"I think we should take turned." She stared at the churro. Something snapped her out of it though. Vivian looked at the sky. In the background, I could hear Ashley's slurps. "We need to get to the clock tower soon, or else we'll have to sleep here."

[DISCONTINUED]Adventures of The Tasty Treats Trio(Book 1)-Weirdos in WonderlandWhere stories live. Discover now