Remembralls & Stars

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Remembralls & Stars

Omniscient POV 

"I don't need a Remembrall, you big wanker" Peter groaned loudly, getting tired of the endless teasing from Sirius and James.

Remus nibbled happily his bar of chocolate, looking a whole awful lot like a bunny rabbit. "Wanker" Sirius repeated his smirk widening ever so slightly. James giggled loudly and stretch his arms over his head. Athena rolled her eyes.

"Why are you both sitting on the table?" Peter asked Athena and Sirius, who were both sitting on top of the Gryffindor table. The others sat on the benches, Remus eating chocolate, Peter going over Remus's charms notes, and James eating breakfast.

"Because we're cool" Sirius mumbled smugly, he was leaning back on his arms. One of his boot-clad feet was on the table while the other was on the bench. Remus pushed his foot off the table while giving him a disapproving look. "Paws off the table, Padfoot" he scolded.

"Pete, don't be angry at us" Athena murmured, she was sitting next to Sirius, her right leg crossed over her left one, she was leaning back just like Sirius was and her head was leaning on Sirius's shoulder.

"Don't be upset, Lee, he's just pissed cuz there's no way he'll learn all of that in time for the Charms test" James said, his mouth full of toast. "Don't speak with your mouth full, James" Remus scolded and James opened his mouth, showing the scarred boy the chewed-up food in it.

"You're a bloody child" Remus huffed, his face twisting in disgust.

"Shut it, James, I simply forgot that there was a test today" Peter excused himself, he was lying, of course, he hadn't studied because he had been procrastinating.

"That's exactly why I will give you a remembrall for Christmas" Sirius smirked at his blonde friend. Athena huffed out a laugh.

"Shut it" Peter groaned again.

Sirius lifted his gaze and placed it on the doors of The Great Hall. His face transformed into an unreadable expression, a mix of anger and disgust. The change didn't go unnoticed by his friends, and the marauders turned to look at the doors.

Athena grinned and waved enthusiastically at Severus, who had entered the hall with a few others from Slytherin. Three out of the four males that surrounded her rolled their eyes in annoyance at the boy. Peter went back to reading Remus's notes.

The radiant smile that was on the Malfoy girl's lips vanished as her eyes landed on her brother. His white hair was tied into a small ponytail. Her brother had a scowl on his face, Athena's eyes drifted to her brother's girlfriend, Narcissa Black, who had a small smile that almost seemed sad as the group of Slytherins walked towards their table. Some were ignoring the people around them while others looked down on everyone else with blatant expressions of disgust.

The marauders noticed the new expression of sadness that was currently painted on the angelic features of the Malfoy girl, and they kicked into action, their new goal was to distract her.

It was only yesterday night that they had witnessed her heartbreak. After they had spent a few hours playing wizard's chess, Athena had taken a deep breath and began telling them what had happened. She had told them in great detail, and a few tears had escaped once again. The boys engulfed her in a hug until they all fell asleep. Only to wake up the next morning in a mess of tangled limbs and uncontrollable giggling coming from James and Sirius, while Remus and Peter groaned and complained at the incessant giggling. Eventually, Athena, Remus, and Peter joined in on the giggling fit. The reason why they were laughing, was unknown, the marauders used to explode in random laughing fits by simply looking at each other.

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