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"Thank you, thank you so much."

Wilbur leaned in, almost kissing my cheek until Tommy interrupted us "...guys-" we both looked at him separating each other as soon as he came. "What is it, Tommy?" Wilbur said while I was holding my mouth blushing. " I might have found dream.. haha" Wilbur ran over to him "WHAT? Where the hell is he- Are you okay-" he said confused "he's not here anymore" Tommy's voice stuttered. Wilbur let him explain with a nod. He sighed "I think we are gonna duel...I'm sorry" Tommy looked at the ground almost getting ready for impact. "Tommy-" I broke in "Why the fuck did you accept" I could almost feel bad for Tommy, I wondered why dream would try to kill a fucking sixteen year old. It's fucking sick. Tommy shook his head . "...You...told him?" said Wilbur anxiously. he nodded "Tommy, look at me" I said putting my hands to his shoulders "Never, whatever you do, never aim for the sky. Then there's not a chance you will survive." He nodded, "But what if he shoots me first? What am I going to do?" He said hastily, he was shaking a bit and his eyes looked as if he was about to cry. "You have to decide for your self. You brought this up and we can't get you out of this one." It was true. He was serious, more serious than I've ever seen him. After a few moments of silence he tapped Tommy's shoulder "I think I'm going to take my leave now." he said while walking away. After a bit I followed him, not knowing what to say. "...What can we even do?" I said quietly when I walked up to him. He sighed "I don't know... as I said before, we can't really fix this.  At least he can doge okay. I think..." We talked the whole way about the matter going back and fourth almost like.. equals.. well before we reached Wilbur's house. It already started raining "Goodbye!" "Bye.." he stammered and almost closed the door almost disappointed. "Do you want me to come with you? You seem very stressed, if that would help you at all." I offered. he opened his door, he looked surprised almost blushing. "Uhm.. yea that would be nice." he took my hand and went into a separate door in his house. 

The room was cold but it was nice, with him. "I just don't fucking know.. he does this every time, Tommy. It's just- right after you getting killed and- everything. Eret betrayed us, Dream is trying to attack us every chance he gets and-" I looked at him "How long have you been doing this by yourself?" he looked at the wall "..I don't know" "Well, then it makes sense that you're so stressed then." I smiled "Also fuck Eret." He laughed "Yea.... Well, have you ever lead a country before?" I shook my head "I appreciate that you would even ask that! but.. I wouldn't mind being someone who help the president or something." I leaned on his warm shoulder. My mind dazing around. Almost like a circus dancing. My thoughts were cut by Wilbur's sweet voice. "...Maybe you could.. I think you could be... my vice president..?" I looked at him confused, blushing and stunned "WHAT-?" "I- only if you want to" Wilbur stammered. "No, no, no. OFCOURSE I WANT TO BE WITH YOU!" I stopped "POLITICALLY! I just- didn't expect that- wow" I held my hand to my face feeling that I was already blushing. "...so.. you want to be my vice president?" I nodded still a little stunned. "...." he hugged me tightly almost crying "A- oh.." My whole face almost started to become pink "I- are you okay..?" I asked him "Yea- yea, I am.." he said hugging me even tighter. "I- I just I fucking love you." He chuckled. Did he mean it? He chuckled so was it a joke? God what am I thinking?  He probably means it as a joke... it's all a joke. How I even see him. I want to be close to him, I want to be with him. I want to be with him so much. I can't bear to lose him. I can't let that happen. I hugged him tighter gripping my hands on his back. My expression wasn't much changed, maybe just a frown thinking of such things. Now when I remember Clay, I never loved him. It was going to be an arranged wedding. We were more like siblings for me. I never knew many other people than him and george, and besides he was definitely interested in George. I have never felt for anyone as much as Wilbur. Almost to the extreme where empathy was hard for me. With Wilbur it's different, it's so different. 

He let go. I sighed and let go too. I looked into his eyes before looking away quickly. I lied down "Working with you will be great." I said "..I sure hope so, my future vice president." before I closed my eyes and fell asleep

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