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I heard a familiar voice day, I looked up a bit surprised "THE BOY!" I responded when the blonde boy sprinted to me "First of all, My name is Tommy! AND You bitch! What were you even trying to do?? WAIT- HOW DID YOU EVEN GET-" I smirked "First of all: I was bored and that room was really creeping me out second of all: I got lucky!" the boy did not except that answer "No, no, no! Wilbur wouldn't let someone like you in here!! You were probably lying anyway.." I tilted my head "Ah.... Well guess he took a liking to me or something? Idk, Oh by the way. Did you see where he went? I mean not that I'm gonna follow him but y'know I have no idea were anything is" The boy seemed to give up on his arguing " Fine, since Wilbur SOMEHOW let you in I could give you a tour or something" he muttered "That would be great!" I giggled. Most of the time was spend was just a normal tour with his own little amusing comments. Till we got to the tree "And this is the L'Mantree. This is uhhm well kinda a reminder about what the country represents.. So.." He looks at me, but my eyes gaze at the tree " Oh so Wilbur is into this stuff?" Tommy looked at me, squinting his eyes " Yea, I guess he likes L'manburg a lot." He looked at me suspiciously "Whatt? Is it wierd to ask about a friends hobbies?" I chuckled.  He put his hands against his eyes "It has been a day.." He said "But no, like no, don't- don't worry haha, I'm just having some fun" I said reassuringly "Fine, okay." He followed me as we made our way back. "Hey, I can just build my house here, right?" He nodded "Yea? I mean why'd you even ask? Thats just how it works everywhere!" He questioned "Oh.. well I barley remember anything from my childhood, where I came from, or like anything. I remember a few flashes but not even what happened before I woke up.  But the thing is, since you don't believe me apparently. I think I knew Dream personally, maybe even friendly or something but, I just." I said turning around, I admit a bit sickly even" Don't fucking remember! I only remember emotions but not people, never a face to the name. Never a name to the face." I said hopelessly , Tommy looked at me a bit surprised. "I- uh okay? I DIDN'T REALLY NEED THAT BUT... thanks?" I blinked before realising I was a bit overwhelming and stepped back "O-oh sorry.." I said "Oh, it's fine. Just a bit too honest" The boy smiled hastily. "Okay, well I'm going to get some stuff" He chuckled "Okay! Do that." I walked away acting like I had power, which was honestly a bit curious to me. I had no power here, in fact, I barley had any equipment at all.

When I saw the woods for itself it was amazing, there was many rivers you could simply pass by walking on the small rocks in the river. The woods were lit up by fireflies and most of all there were a lot of fish. It sort of felt similar to something but I couldn't find out. Honestly I almost felt sad cutting the trees here, they were too beautiful yet familiar. Almost reminded me of Wilbur, not like that it was famaliar to him but he was so beautiful and almost.. how do I say this? He felt like a person who would never judge you and just a shoulder to lean on but then again, we just met. So I guess I'm just a bit obsessed. I laid down on the grass and thought. 'Dream... I knew him, obviously but a different name, I think Clay. What a strange change. My house, where should I put it? How should I build it? There are a few seeds which seem to be from flowers! Maybe I can use those to decorate! and anyways I have enough wood here.' I headed back to build my house. I was about half way through before I saw almost everybody following a man with a crown and cape going to some type of hole. I jumped down and ran into the crowd, hoping not to be seen. "Where have you been?" asked the brunette boy, "I dunno just didn't see you guys, I was going to build my house." The brunette giggled "You just skipped a whole fucking war-- my eyes widened "Wait- is everybody okay?" He nodded reassuringly. I sighed "Wow, okay. So where are we going now?" I questioned "I don't really know, he says he has some cool weapons and shit, Eret." I nodded "Cool!" Our conversation was stopped by Eret "Here is the final control room." he said almost coldly my eyes widened "Woah!" in our excitment we didn't notice Tommy pushing a red button where many people came through the walls and attacked us."SHIT- WILBUR" I screamed as I took Wilbur took my hand and put himself Infront of me. He was stabbed before he said anything. His blood flooded from his chest. Leaving me to have to attack the one who did it. He had a mask with blonde hair and a cyan green hoddie. He seemed to stop for a bit before I cut his mask out of rage. I stared at him.. "Wait.. Clay..?" I said before I got stabbed by someone behind me. I fell blood flooded the floor. I looked back at Wilburs lifless body. I tried to stand up before taking my final breath.

The last thing I could hear, a bit after my vision was entirely blocked was

"It was never meant to be!" I heard the cold voice say. 

"Y/n?" I heard a female voice say, I woke up. Almost instantly, the last thing I remembered was Wilbur's dead body and uhm...Clay. " WILBUR- WHERE IS HE-" I look around in a panic. "Oh- no don't worry he's fine." I hear her say "Oh- sorry." I said when I calm down "Fuck, who are you?" I question "I'm Niki! Nice to meet you, don't worry I heard about you from Wilbur. He was a bit worried for you." she said with a slight giggle. "Really..?" I said with a slight blush "Oh well, you seem really nice nice, Niki!" I said trying to change the subject. "Thank you!" I heard her say kindly. "I'll tell him your awake right now, actully!" she said with a smile hurrying out "WAIT-" I said running after her. Wilbur was standing there looking at the exploded land. He turned around when he saw me, he looked instantly relived and hugged me tightly. Which Niki responded with a giggle and left "Oh god, y/n I was so worried." he said a bit more quiet.  " Exactly! What the fuck! You shouldn't have protected me you could have escaped!" He let me go "You have no idea how important you are..." he said, when he realised that he said that he blushed and looked away "After all you are our newest citizen!" Wait.. he blushed, at me? God. "Heh, yea." I said before taking both of his hands which starteled him "but listen, I know dream." he raised his brow "What-?" "listen when I knew him we were almost like siblings, his name was Clay. We were raised along side each other, fuck. I think he might have even been my best friend! So..." I sighed "If you want to get me out of this country for that, it's fine. I just wanted to tell you." He looked into my eyes and giggled "Why would I exile you for your past relationships as children?" I widened my eyes "Wait- so I can stay?" I answered "Ofcourse you can! How is that a question to you?" He commented I giggled. I hugged him.

 "Thank you, thank you so much."

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