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fear of baldness and/or of bald people

Peladophobia is something we all experience in some way.
I don't think we'd like the idea of being bald.

People suffering from this phobia can experience a high amount of anxiety from just thinking about being bald or of bald people.

Such people can experience panic attacks as well.
We might think this is an irrational fear but to them it might be life threating fear, as it might increase their heartbeat abnormally as well as blood pressure.

This fear can be genetic or unpleasant experience encountering bald people.

These people might as well be thinking of zombies whenever encountering bald people.
kinemortophobia (fear of zombies)

Imagine being in shower rinsing your hairs and seeing patch of hairs on your hand or seeing a bald man watching you from outside your window-
Alright that's creepy.

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