Will cant know

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No one can know... especially will
Mike thought as he was quite rudely pushed into a small closet. Mike, falling onto the ground was shocked since everything happened so quickly. His hands run along the soft carpeted floor as his eyes tried to adjust to the light. Mike looks up at the hanging clothes above him. Squinting, he could just make out the color yellow and a few plaid designs. Mike then knew who's room this was... Wills.
Yellow was his color after all, Mike thought. He reached out to touch the wall. In the darkness he could make out the soft pale yellow will painted his room. Though in the dark it looked incredibly muted and dull. Mike breathes heavy with anticipation, waiting for something to happen.

After what seemed to be forever he heard footsteps into the room. As Mike geared up to surprise his best friend he heard another set of footsteps and a familiar voice. Eleven and Will are siblings, so it's easy to expect them to go into each other's rooms then, Mike thought impatiently. He held his breath and prayed that will didn't open the closet door.

"Will you have tell me what's wrong ," el spoke in a soft gentle voice to her brother. Mike liked to imagine that they got along amazingly as siblings and in this small conversation Mike seemed to be right.

"It's nothing el, really" Will spoke hollowly. Mike instantly could tell something was actually wrong.
"Friends but especially brothers aren't supposed to lie, Will, now I know there's something and I want to help you" El stated kindly but firmly to get the point across
"I hate that he isn't here, okay, I feel like ever since we left he's just faded away, like he's not my best friend anymore" Will sounded hurt, Really hurt.
The problem was that Will wasn't wrong.
God have I really made him feel that shitty
Mike just sat there and listened. He felt as horrible for ease dropping as he was relieved he knew how Will felt.
"Will, It's hard to move across the country from your best friends. I'm sure it's just hard for him to keep up" el tried to sound understanding and helpful but her words fell just short
"He writes you a book of letters and can only spare me a couple calls!..." Will exclaimed
"I shouldn't but I feel so abandoned by him"

The air hung silent as Mike tried to figure out if they were still in the room. By the sounds of it they were still in the room embraced in a hug.
Alone in the silence Mike had time to think. He had tried to call Will, many more times than it had worked. Joyce working on the phone was one of the most annoying thing about them leaving, Mike always said. The guilt of him hurting his best friend hang deep in his throat threatening to tighten its grasp and make him choke.
"GUYS PIZZA'S HERE" Jonathan yelled from the kitchen. The Byers new house was nice. It was actually a lot nicer than their old house, yet Mike preferred the one back in Hawkins. This place was pretty spacious from the quick look Mike got at it before Jonathan hid him.
In reality Mike came here to surprise will over break. Jonathan and Joyce planned it and surprisingly, she didn't spoil the surprise.

Will and El's footsteps left wills room and into the kitchen across the way. Mike decided that hiding in wills room may have been a bit creepy. So he took the risk and opened the closet door. The first thing Mike noticed was the new drawings hung up around his walls. The bold colors and dynamic illustrations caught mikes eye. Especially the ones with old DND adventures. Mike scanned the rest of the wall, stoping when he found a poster. The old Jaws poster still hung on his wall like it did back in Hawkins. To its right was a "Boys Don't Cry by The Cure" poster. The blue and yellow poster caught his attention for a reason Mike couldn't explain. Everything else is wills room was fairly standard, a standard bed, desk full of papers including school works plus drawings, and unspectacularly a dresser.
Mike finished looking around wills room. He creeped to the door and luckily Will and El were facing away from him. Jonathan's eyes widened as he looked at Mike. Mike quickly decided to hide in the bathroom. Hopefully it was Will who found him. After a lifetime of waiting be heard footsteps in the kitchen.
"WILL! Can you get more soap from the bathroom please?" Jonathan yelled out to his brother as the kitchen soap pump let out a few spurting sounds.
"Fine I'll be right there" Will called out annoyed by the interruption.
Mike heard wills footsteps come closer to the bathroom. He quickly decided to hide behind the bathroom door. Wills bathroom was pretty nice, with floral white wall paper and dark cabinets. Mike held his breath and waiting for him to walk it. Will walked into the bathroom and didn't see his best friend right behind the door. That's when Mike pushed the door closed and Will turned around in horror, but this horror was not long lived. It turned to joy when Mike went to embrace his best friend.
"OH MY GOD MIKE!!! You actually came?" Will called out
Mike pulled him into a firm hug. Mike wasn't a affectionate person but still he felt the deep need to hug his childhood best friend.
"of course I did Will" Mike said with a smile forming which Will couldn't see.
I never hug Will. It feels almost unnatural. Should it be lasting this long? Am I putting out the wrong message? What will Jonathan or El think if they knew we were hugging in the bathroom? Why do I-
Mikes thoughts were cut short by Will
Pulling away from the hug
"You okay?" Will asked sympathetically.
Will always cared a lot about others a lot more than himself
"Oh yeah I just uhhh- got distracted I guess" Mike said unsurely. He wasn't lying though. Mike has been struggling with himself lately. Mostly because he doesn't really fit in. He's apart of "The Hellfire Club" a DND party ran by Eddie Munson. Eddie was known to the school as a freak so the label rubbed off on Mike as well.
"Okay well uh- let's go see the others" will said nervously. Although Mike couldn't tell what he had to be neverous about
His best friend was wearing long pants and a button up plaid shirt with a gray under shirt. How did he wear all those layers in California?
His shirt was a light yellowish brown color with small blue lines running up and down, plus side to side. His pants were a light beige color and his shirts were tucked into his pants with a matching brown belt. He had grown taller in this last year Mike noticed, yet he was still taller than will. He took pride in that fact and seeing it was still true made him happy, though Mike didn't understand why.
They left the bathroom together and El took notice of her lover standing in the kitchen entrance. She excitedly sprung up and practically flew at Mike pulling him into a huge hug. Why does will look so sad? I thought he'd be his normal happy self...
Mikes mind wandered. He's hugging his girlfriend but the heat of wills touch was still
Left on his skin.
No one can know

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