Luke bringing you to Hobbitcon

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"Well, I guess I could sneak in a secret wedding if you want." your boyfriend Luke chuckled.

"You're rushing!!!" You say. Like brought you to Bonn for Hobbitcon. You were so glad that Adam was there, along with Jed, Mark, Graham, Stephen, Deano, Aidan, Lee, Peter and more.

"Well, I have to get on stage now." Luke says, while breaking the awkward silence. He kisses you and you mumble a little 'I love you' to him.

"I want to introduce a very special person to you all. Her name is Y/N Y/L/N. She's my girlfriend. Why don't you come out here" Luke says. You emerge from the darkness and you could see fans screaming.

"Hi, nice to see that everyone here is so pumped up and ready haha." you say.

"Now wait wait, on a serious note, we were talking about wedding right love?" He says while you respond to a nod. "My love." he gets down on one knee. "I can never spend my whole life without you. Do me a favor and make me feel whole and become my wife?" He smiles at you. The fans screaming and tears running down your eyes.

"JA. I'll become your wife" you say while hugging him. He slips on the ring.

"Happiest day of my life." he says.

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