The Email

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The night the three got the email was just like any other.

Tubbo was sitting at his desk scrolling through business website after buisness website on his old and beatup laptop with a cup of bitter and lukewarm coffee.

Ranboo was fiddling with his fingers at the counter in their kitchen, trying to think up something to make for a late dinner for them all and half paying attention to the noise of the tv in the living room behind him.

Tommy was sprawled over the couch watching a documentary about penguins on the Discovery Channel despite the narrator's insufferably boring way of storytelling, and trying to ignore the stab of hunger in his stomach.

It was about ten, ten thirty at night, and the three were relaxing in their somewhat cozy yet chaotic; albeit small apartment when through penguin squeaks they heard a pinging notification sound from Tubbo's desk. It was slightly distorted and was very obviously from his computer.

Tommy loudly groaned with his head falling to the back of the couch and facing towards the ceiling. Ranboo snapped back to reality and walked around to Tubbo's desk where he tiredly sat before he sighed almost soundlessly.

Tubbo opened his email to see no new messages, he sat for a minute or two,
trying to think of what else could've made the pinging sound before a light flicked on in his head and he opened up his private email and saw one sole message in his inbox.

Tommy looked over, "A new job?"

"Probably." Tubbo deadpanned

"Open it, see if it's worth the time it may take." Ranboo pressed, leaning closer to the other's computer as Tommy stood up and to the other side of Tubbo.

Tubbo did in fact open it to find the anonymous bot link, which he clicked and brought the three to the anon page and a message that reads :

"Dear Smoke Bomb, Alaki, and Ender Pearl,

We are a group known by a cloak name of DT and need you three to take out a family of four for us.

We will pay handsomely and an example of so is this:"

The three looked at each other confused before Tubbo opened the attatched PDF and all of their jaws dropped.

Tommy stood up and put a hand to his mouth, disturbed and whispering, "That much for two people-?"

Tubbo sat in shock, mouth agape and eyes wide as saucers. "WH- How- why!?"

Ranboo, with his hands shaking closed the PDF, "Let's just ask who--"

Tommy whipped his head around to Ranboo, "Man aren't you the one who made the no-kill rule!? We aren't doing it!"

Ranboo turns to the blonde with an undersernible expression of disgust,
"I never meant we were gonna take the job, Tommy!"

"Both of you shut up."

Tubbo turns to the other two bickering behind his chair and motions to his screen, the both of their expressions quickly shift to the same suprise Tubbo's was just a moment before.

"They want.." Tommy starts.

"In... wh.." Ranboo stammmers, trying to wrap his head around the job.

"They want to pay us five-hundred k plus to kill all four Minecrafts in their own home, in three months or we're on the streets and done for."

The other two turn back to their green-hoodied friend, "WH- They can't do that!!" Tommy yells.

Ranboo stands in shock, misty eyes and cloudy mind.

Tubbo rereads the email with slight struggle, muttering, "Aperently they can."

"Well what the fuck are we gonna do!? We don't kill people! We spy, we steal, blackmail, so many other options!"

"Tommy it's 500,000 dollars plus for four people. They want them gone and even then we don't have much of a choice! We need the money and they'll get us thrown out of the only apartment complex that would take us!" Tubbo deadpans, not looking at the other.

"It's still murder!!" Tommy screams angrily, "Ranboo hush you're making that face lemmie finish."

Tubbo turns his chair around to look at the two, crossing his arms and deadpanning, "Tommy they can and will get us thrown out and out of the business, we need the money, no one else is offering that kind of cash and we have practically no choice."

Ranboo silently walked back to the kitchen and Tommy scoffed before sitting back down on the couch.

Tubbo sighed before starting to type out his response as Ranboo was starting up dinner, the sounds of penguin squeaking filling the empty space once more.

What the fuck even was this?

What the hell were they supposed to do!?

The most they've done is sneak into someone's house!!

But.. it seems they don't have much of a choice. So despite their better judgment, over dinner they plan to do it in a few days. Quick and painless.

Fuck this is gonna haunt them.

A//N: This is old and I never knew how to end it, but I felt like publishing it anyway lol

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2023 ⏰

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