Chapter 2

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It  had been raining on the day Alexandria found out the truth about who Luke Masters really was. There hadn't been any rumors, just the straight truth. It had been all over the news for, for such a known person it was only right that it be announced on the World Wide Web that he was engaged to the equally  famous super- model, Fiona McAllister.

It had had to be a mistake, for the Luke she loved would never betray her that way, Alexa had thought. She had called her friend Lily in a flash and when she had finally come and helped her process the news, Alexa had refused to cry because she still did not believe it, she had wanted a friend to hold.

She and Luke had gone shopping, and then lunching in one of the top hotels in town almost three days later, it had taken a great deal of her will power not to blurt out the question that had been tugging on her mind all day. She had her chance after she got home and had gotten Luke to massage her sore feet, when she suddenly asked, "Luke, are you keeping something from me?"

He stopped massaging her feet and looked surprised.

"No, why would l? I love you don't l," he replied.

Alexa stood up and half dragged herself to the bedroom in the five-roomed apartment.

"Alexa, is everything alright?" his voice was full of concern.

"You tell me" she said as she came back and deposited a folded parchment of paper on Luke's lap, and then sat down opposite him, she was ready.

  Luke skimmed the paper two times before he looked in Alexa's direction, guilt was registered all over his face, and he looked like he had been caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

"When were you planning to tell me?" she asked coolly, she had decided to hold this like a civilized human being.

Luke didn't know what to say, he hadn't wanted her to find out this way.

"I asked when and why you didn't tell me!" she demanded, her hot Irish temper taking over, all plans for being civilized thrown to the wind.

"I was going to tell you Lexy, l was waiting for the right time" his voice was barely a whisper, he stood up and made a move towards her but she shied away.

"When was the right time?" she questioned, she was on her feet now and almost shouting, "after you got married to a no good model?"

"Don't call her that" a warning tone slipped into his voice but Alexa did not care.

"Luke, you played me," she sat down suddenly, "you are no better than all the others, maybe even the worst and to think l trusted you. I should have known better," she said, her eyes beginning to tear up.

"Believe me Lexy, l didn't want you finding out like this," he didn't sound in the least sorry, a twinge of guilt, maybe, but Alexa was too absolved in her thoughts to catch that, and the fact that he had called her Lexy, he only did that when he was apologizing or begging for something.

"When is the wedding?"

"In two months" he replied without hesitation.

"Two months!" she exclaimed, "when were you planning to drop me?" she asked more coolly.

"You've got a knack for Irish women don't you?" She stood up to face him, "I thought we had something special going on but it seems like l was wrong, everything was a sickening lie. I should have listened to my father."

"I didn't lie about my feelings for you Alexa, but------"

"You love her more than me cause she's famous and I'm a nobody right, Luke? I'm just a girl whose father is a hotel mogul knee deep in debts, right?" she made it sound like a statement rather than a question.

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