three, deal

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Adri yawned as she walked over to the door. Her first thought was her wondering who the fuck was knocking the door that early (even though it was 11am), since she knew Talia was out with Simon for the day.

She swung the door open and her eyes widened once she saw the tall guy standing at her door, so considering she didn't wanna see him she shut the door.

"That's not really nice, Santos." His voice boomed from the other side of the door.

She let out a sigh and opened the door again. "What the fuck are you doing here?"

He shrugged and leaned against the door frame. "You said you needed my help with something and that you wanted to talk."

"Yeah, over dinner asshole." She scoffed, crossing her arms.

"Well, I'm free now so." He shrugged again dragging out the 'O'. Adri rolled her eyes and stepped to the side, allowing him to walk in. "Why the fuck do you guys have so many cupboards?" JJ questioned as he walked through their hallway.

"Can you mind your business." She pushed him into the main room.

"Someone's pushy." He chuckled as he sat on her sofa, amused.

"Yeah, well you did wake me up," She rolled her eyes before she continued. "Whatever, the point is I need your help."

JJ raised an eyebrow, curious. "So I've heard."

Adri let out a deep sigh before she started talking. "Okay, so I may have gotten into some shit with my mum and now she thinks we're dating and I also said we're moving in together and she wants us to go to my siblings birthday barbecue." She tried to explain the best she could.

"So you wanna fake date and now you accept Simon and Talia's idea and move in together?" He questioned trying to wrap his head around it.

"Yes..." Saying it all out loud, she's realising how stupid it sounds.

"I'll do it." He shrugs nonchalantly.

"You will?" Adri was shocked he agreed so easily.

"Yeah. Not exactly like your tapped so." He shrugged yet again.

Adriana scoffed and rolled her eyes. "Wow you're such a gentleman."

"Is that all you wanted to talk about?" He asked her.

"Yeah, pretty much." She nods. "Now get out." She tightly smiled at him.

"Aren't you polite." He sighed and stood up. "Nice pyjamas by the way." He smirked glancing at her pjs.

It was only then she realised she was wearing a daisy duck oversized shirt with random shorts. "Get out!" She threw a pillow at him and he laughed, going towards the exit of her apartment.

"See you around girlfriend."



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