Chapter 3: A unexpecting invite

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Darron sits down in an alleyway tired from searching for the book that was in the factory before he burned it down "I've searched everywhere and no sign of the book" Darron said as he takes out the book he read earlier and sees a letter on the cover. He opens the letter to see an invitation to a club "I guess Muko put this in my coat before I left, I might as well go it's not like I have anything better to do" Darron said as he gets up and makes his way to the club, meanwhile at the club, a demon is thrown out of the window in the club as a female demon sits back down on her seat "Who is this chick?" One of the customers asked as his friend replies "That's Serena...the Psychopath, they say she killed her whole family at the age of 10 and left no witnesses. She's one crazy bitch and anyone who tries to get on her good side will be dead the next 5 minutes. No man or woman has ever left her sights alive" Serena takes a sip of her drink and takes out a series of photos of her targets with all of them has a red cross marked on it. She takes out the last photo and it's a picture of Darron as she grins waiting for him to arrive like she planned "So this is the club I'm supposed to be at? Kinda of a lame club to be honest but I guess I shouldn't worry" Darron said as he sits down next to Serena without her realising who it is "You've got that right this club is boring but makes it a perfect place to find some victims to murder" Serena said as she puts the photos away in her pocket "So are you waiting for someone or trying to impress me?" Serena asked as Darron replies "Nah not interested in going into another relationship especially after what happened years before I died. I was invited here by a friend of mine and it seems that he's not here so I guess I'll just have few drinks then head home" Serena turns to face Darron as she realized who is sitting right next to her. Serena takes out her gun and aims for his head as Darron takes a sip of his drink ignoring the fact a gun is being pointed at his head "Goodnight Masked Demon" Serena said as she pulls the trigger to see confetti come out of it, she looks at the gun to see it's a confetti gun instead of an actual one "Looking for this?" Darron asked as he takes out the gun she originally had in her hand in Darron's right hand. Darron takes another sip of his drink then says "You weren't planning to kill me with this were you? Because if you were then I'll end you and I don't mind killing women" Serena gets furious that Darron somehow managed to steal her gun without attempting to physically take it, she pulls out another gun as Darron shoots the gun missing her hand on purpose which frightened her as she dropped the gun after he shot it without looking. She attempts to punch Darron at the face but he gets off the seat and dodges the attack as she takes out a knife out of her back pocket and starts trying to cut or stab him but he dodges each swing as he takes another sip of his drink "This guy is avoiding all her attacks and taking a drink while doing it?! This dude is insane!" One of the demons said as Serena picks up the gun Darron shot and shoots the demon who talked about Darron. Darron looks over at the window realizes it's cracked "Let me guess you did that and despite your efforts on attempting to kill me is real old school. If your looking for a fight then you should've said so from the start" Darron said as he gives Serena her gun back but she kicks it away and aims at Darron's head again "I'm not letting you escape me! Your too much trouble for the boss so eliminating you here and now will bring him one step closer to achieving his master plan!" Serena said as Darron chuckles a bit then says "Who said anything about escaping? I'm just toying with you to see just what your capable of. Although you mentioned something about a boss so I guess toying with you ain't an option anymore" Darron charges towards Serena as she shoots him through the chest and he grabs her by the throat then takes her knife as he slams her down onto the ground face first. Darron holds the knife close to her head then asks "Who do you work for exactly?" Serena refuses to talk as he brings the knife up and slams it next to her head "Your no fun at all and besides it's getting late so I best be going. You can follow me all you want but just know this, there ain't a single person I left alive so consider yourself lucky" Darron said as he lets go of her throat and makes his way to the exit. Serena gets up in shock that Darron didn't kill her and spared her life even after when she tried to kill him in the first place "Who are you?" Serena asked trembling in fear as Darron stops and says "You already know me I'm the Masked Demon and tell your boss to remember that name" Darron continues to walk on and exits the club. Serena sits there staring at the exit as she aims at the other demons in the club and begins to shoot each of them leaving no survivors "How dare he make a mockery of me! I'm supposed to be more crazier than him! More skilled than him! More enemy..." Serena thought to herself as she leaves the club with her knife dripping in blood. Serena walks away from the club as she puts the hoodie over her head hiding her face from those nearby and walks into the shadows in the alleyway, meanwhile, Darron arrives home and takes off his coat along with his shirt as he tries to take the bullet out of his chest "Damn she got it in real deep...I've got to hand it to her, she's quite talented but lacks some skills on how to kill someone without noticing and needs to improve on luring her victims better than just some lame invitation to a club" Darron said as he gets the bullet out and wraps bandages around the wound then lays down on the coach as he falls asleep.

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