Chapter 1: The Fenrir Far East Branch

Start bij het begin

"Kaito Kazuya"

"So..." Kota went on, " were a match too, huh?" I nodded, "Yeah. Jus t had the aptitude test a few minutes ago"

"Well that makes two of us" He gave me an appraising look, "You must be my age, or maybe a little older"

"I'm 16"

Kota grinned, "Oh well, I'm still your senior by a nanosecond! Nice to meet you" I returned his smile with one of my own. Kota might be a little bit out there, but he seems like a good person. At least I'd have one friend in this place.

We were interrupted by the clacking of heels approaching us at a steady rythm, before coming to a stop in front of us. We both turned to see a tall, dark haired, busty woman looking down at us through hard green eyes and a no-nonsense expression on her face. She had an air of importance around her, and when she spoke, she did so with authority.

"Stand up" Kota and I looked at each other and then back at her, both unsure of what was happening, "Huh?"

"I said, STAND UP! On your feet!" At that we both sprung to our feet, standing stiffly at attention. Seemingly satisfied, she went on, "I'm on a tight schedule so I'll be keeping this short. My name is Tsubaki Amamiya, and I'm your advisor"

 My name is Tsubaki Amamiya, and I'm your advisor"

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"You're both scheduled for a medical checkup. After that you'll complete a full curriculum of basic physical training, basic combat training, as well as a weaponry/armor clinic" Tsubaki paused, inspecting Kota closely, before her green eyes fell on me, "We are the one's who have been protecting you up until now. But from this day forward, you'll be doing the protecting. If you don't want to die over something stupid, then answer my every order with a 'Yes'. Is that understood?" Without missing a beat we answered collectively, "Yes ma'am!" She nodded, "Alright, let's begin the medial checkups. We'll start with you." Her icy green gaze fell on me once more, "Report to Dr Paylor Sakaki's room by 1500 hours. Take a tour of the facility until then" Turning away from me, Tsubaki continued, "This is your new home, The Fenrir Far East Branch, AKA 'The Den'. Make sure you pay your respects to the members of your team"

I raised a brow, "Uh...what team?" I regretted the question immediately Tsubaki's glare fell on me once again. It felt like she was going to rip me apart right there and then. Luckily, she simply turned on her heels and walked away without another word. I let out a breath I didn't even realise I was holding. Kota did so as well, "Boy, that is one scary lady"

"Let's hope she didn't hear you say that"

Kota turned to me, "Anyway, you're taking the medical checkup first right?"

"Yeah...about that, I have no idea who Dr Paylor Sakaki is, or where his room is. I would have asked her, but..." I sighed. Kota laughed, "Yeah, so not a good idea. Well, you still got some time. She said you should look around the place, maybe you could find someone that can help" I raised a brow, "And what about you?"

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