Peter's new Roommate

Start from the beginning

Peter: That's a longer story....but my point is.....Dr. Strange's spell made everyone forget who I am. Even my own friends. could his spell not work on you? 

Wanda: I.....I don't know. Maybe because I was in either the Hex or wasn't in this universe when it happened. 

Peter: Hex? Another universe? 

Wanda: That too is a long story.

Peter: Well guess we're in the same situation. But....what brought you to F.E.A.S.T.? 

Wanda: I.....have nothing anymore. I've lost everything close to me. My parents my brother and my hu----boyfriend. 

Peter: Oh yeah....the Vision. I heard you two were a thing. I'm really sorry. About him about your brother and parents. I lost everything too. I mean my own friends don't remember me. My Aunt is gone. Along with my own parents and my Uncle. Now I'm just swinging solo home schooled working weekends to pay for college.

Wanda: Sorry to hear all that too. 

Peter: Thanks. So what'd you gonna do now? 

Wanda: I....I don't know. They said they can help me here but.....I don't know how I would. Everyone here is nice but.....I.....still feel more alone than ever. 

Peter: Me too. don't have to stay here. You can---stay with me at my place. 

Wanda: What? 

Peter: I're more than welcome to. I promise I'll behave myself. I's not like I....have any friends anymore. 

Wanda: Me neither. I guess....I could come stay for a bit. 

Peter grew a grin as did Wanda 

Some time around 10:57PM or so Peter lead Wanda in his apartment

Some time around 10:57PM or so Peter lead Wanda in his apartment

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Peter: Come on in. Make yourself at home. I'm sorry it's a little disorganized it's been awhile since I had guests. Actually I....never have guests. 

Wanda: I didn't really expect anything proper. How long you been here? 

Peter: About nine months. Sometimes when I have free time I go on patrol. When I'm not and stay home I usually watch Star Wars movies. 

Wanda: Tony said you were all about that. That's the same with me on sitcoms. I loved Dick Van Dyke Bewitch and Anddy Griffin since I was a kid. 

Peter: Well I know a video store where they sell those. Maybe this weekend after work if I'm not patrolling we can get some. 

Wanda: I'd love that. 

Peter: Yeah

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Peter: Yeah....also since you don't have any stuff.....we'll have to buy you some cloths. I mean....just to...I mean---

Wanda: I know what you mean thanks. I mean....really thanks. It's not that I don't appreciate this but....if you knew what I been doing you probably wouldn't have let me stay here. 

Peter: Don't be silly. Whatever you been up to I'd never think less of you. You and I....saved the world from Thanos....well technically Mr. Stark did but....what we did counted. 

Wanda: Yeah but afterwards....I did a lot of terrible things. I hurt people out of my own grief. And for children I never really had. 

Peter: Children? 

Wanda: Like I said it's a long story. 

Peter: I got time. Why don't I order us a pizza and we can talk about it. I'll even tell you about everything that happened to me. 

Wanda: I like cheese and Haywain. 

Peter: No problem. You get settled I'll make the order. 

Wanda grinned and looked around the apartment while Peter went on his phone accessing an app to the nearest Pizza Place 

Peter typed in two pies a pepperoni for him and a regular cheese for Wanda 

After the order was placed Peter put in Empire Strikes Back for Entertainment while they waited and eat later

And when the first Darth Vader scene came on 

Peter explained to Wanda that he was his favorite villain in the Franchise 

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Peter explained to Wanda that he was his favorite villain in the Franchise 

Peter: Darth Vader is a real legendary bad guy. It actually all started with him. The prequel trilogy explains his entire origin story. That's what I like about it. But what I.....somewhat don't like about it is the Prequel Trilogy over told a lot things that was never confirmed in the original. See as you saw when the ghost Obi-Wan told Luke Yoda was the Jedi Master that instructed him in the prequels he had a different mentor. I won't spoil who or what happened to him but it sure was left out for certain reasons. Plus still without spoilers there's a scene in Return of the Jedi that Princess Leia explains she remembers her real mother from a dream or something and Revenge of the Sith will show how it may not add up. 

Wanda: You sure know a lot about this stuff. 

Peter: Well that's what happens if you been watching them long as I have. 

Wanda: That's the same with me just on sitcom. 

Peter chuckles and the door bell rang their pizza had arrived and Peter went to answer it 

(See where Peter and Wanda learn about each other in the next chapter.....)  

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