Ice Breaker Video

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Today I'm meeting ATEEZ. I've listened to some of their songs to better understand them and their style and I really liked it. They have so much energy and are very charismatic i see how they're so popular.

I've just landed in South Korea. While making my way out of the airport I spit a group of fans waiting. When they spot me they cheer a little and ask for some pictures or autographs. It's insane how fans can be everywhere. We got to the car and got my luggage secured in the back and got in

From here my manager informs me of what were doing today, as the driver takes us to KQ Entertainment, ATEEZ'S company. "Today you'll be meeting the members of ATEEZ, and then youll be doing a meeting video for the fans. In that you'll be asking each other already written questions to help break the ice. Then we're going to dinner so we can get to know each other." My manager Mr Sim said. The closer we got the more nervous i felt, I'm very anxious to meet them. I don't know why. they are very polite, they wouldn't say anything rude. Meeting new people just scares me.

We finally reached KQ. I'm tired from the long flight but I'm also excited to finally meet such a successful group. Especially when they're so good looking.

In the meeting room waits ATEEZ and their director Mr Kim. I could barely keep my eyes on the person talking, my attention kept bouncing from the speaker to any of the men sitting across from me. Theres one i couldnt keep my eyes off of. His shoulders are a bit broad and he has such such pretty dark brown eyes that his also dark brown hair fits well with. Hes incredibly handsome. All the meeting was about was finishing up paper work and making sure everything was fine with the collaboration and a briefing on the fan video.

The fan video took a while for everyone to get ready. Hair makeup outfits sound check cameras. I'm already dreaming of my hotel bed, or any bed really, a couch would do too.

Finally everything is ready and set up. They start by introducing themselves one by one and then as a group

"1..2..3" Hongjoong counted down.

"8 makes 1 team" the group said together while doing some sort of thing with their hands and bowing, as a group. ATEEZ and I applauded their introduction. It was my turn to introduce myself now.

"I'm Y/N" I said internally cringing st how bland that is.

I laughed a little embarrassed at myself. They smiled amused.

They applauded my introduction as well even though it was rather basic.

"I'm with ATEEZ doing an ice breaker video. We'll be reading and answering questions to hopefully get to know each other better" I looked at the members and smiled excitedly.

"I'm so excited to meet y'all, and to be here doing this video. I'm sure this will be a lot of fun" I said.

"We're fans of your music, we listen to it some times when warming up or just when we're relaxing, so being here is really exciting for us" Hongjoong said smiling slightly.

"I'll read a question first and then one or more of you will answer and then a member will ask me a question and I'll answer and then I'll go again. That's how we're doing the turn system with 1 to 8 people." I explained.

I heard understanding "ahhs" and they all nodded.

"Who's your all time favorite character from any movie" I asked.

They paused and thought for a minute before that one from the other day, the really handsome ones face lit up.

"OOOH OOOH SPIDER MAN" Handsome guy answered.
His members nodded knowingly.

I smiled a little I couldn't help it he's seriously cute.

"Spider man? Why's he your favorite character?" I asked interested.

"He's a hero, and he always tries so hard to help everyone. And his webs are cool" we all laughed at that.

This guy is really charming. His smile.. I think my heart mightve melted.

It's their turn to ask a question now.

"If you can speak another language which language is it?" Seonghwa I guess that'd be. I can see why he's called their main visual.

"Mmm that one is hard to answer because of the way its worded. I can speak another language. I can speak Korean. But it's not the only other one I can speak." I said.

"Ooooo" the handsome one said.

"How many languages can you speak?" Asked Wooyoung.

"That's two questions. Isn't it my turn now~?" I teased.

Wooyoung was a little embarrassed by that but laughed a long with everyone anyways.

"Is there any foods you don't like?" I asked, noticing how stupid of a question it is.

"Vegetables" they all agreed.

"We try to eat vegetables too but we prefer eating meat" Hongjoong answered.

"We really like meat, especially chicken" San said.

Swear I could feel their love of chicken once they heard the word.
Noted ATEEZ likes meat.

"How many languages can you speak" Wooyoung asked again.

"Well I can speak English, clearly. Korean and, Chinese" I said.

"Waaaaah" San exclaimed his shock. Everyone's faces were shocked.

"Wow it must be really easy for you to communicate with your fan's" Jongho pointed out.

"Some times it is. It's really useful to know some languages but it doesn't stop the issue of not being able to actually talk to a lot of them" I said a little sadly. 'What a mood killer' I thought.

They all nodded slowly in sad agreement.

"Do you collect anything and if so what is it" I asked.

Wooyoung laughed at that and San looked a bit embarrassed. The other members laughed a little. 'I'm confused..'

"I collect dolls" San said proudly.

"Dolls? What type of dolls?" I asked a bit concerned and very confused.

"Like stuffed ones. Like bears" San explained.

"Ooh Like teddy bears? Stuffed animals?" I asked.

"Yeah" he said.

"I thought you we're talking about baby dolls. I got really confused why you'd be collecting baby dolls" I said while laughing.

Everyone laughed at this including San.

"That'll be ATEEZ and Y/Ns ice breaker video. I hope you learned mote about me. I know I did." I said.

"I do feel closer. It was nice getting to know you a little here. I can't wait to get to know you better in the future." Hongjoong said.

The video ended with us saying goodbye. We all went off to go to the bathroom and get ready to leave for dinner. I'm so tired though. I swear I could just fall over, and I do. Straight into the handsome guy.

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