He fell to the ground on his kneels as he managed to let out a 'nice to meet you too'.

What the heck?!

The plum girl eagerly skipped out of the room with the other girl, the guy's ex-girlfriend now, leaving the boy on his kneels.

They walked out of the door and past me. And just as they were about to take a turn, the plum girl turned around and smiled at me. "You're free to charge your phone."

I nodded my head slowly as I turned around and my eyes fell on the guy again. Poor guy had been kicked hard!

Nevertheless, I pushed the door open and sashayed in. I looked around the room but all I saw was a table of phones, so many phones.

I turned to the guy on his kneels and gently placed my hands on his head. "Hey, I saw what happened between you, your girlfriend... And that girl. Sorry about that." I said, he didn't say a word.

I raised my head and looked around the room. "Do you know where I can charge my phone? It's like..." I brought my gaze down and stared at the phone screen. My eyes widened in suprise. ".. 1%. Why me?!"

The boy raised his head and looked at me with a perplexed and sad expression.

Poor guy!

"Sorry about your girlfriend." I said and walked towards the table of phones, realizing that they were actually being charged.

I plugged a charger to a socket and attached is to the bottom of my phone. I turned around and walked out of the room.

When I had gotten to the living room, it had become a bit crowded with teenagers, some already drunk, but as I got nearer to the entrance of the house I heard noises.

I stepped out of the house and saw a crowd of people gathered around some guys. I walked quickly and squeezed myself through the crowd but paused on impluse.

"Who do you think you are? Walking around, laughing and smiling with everyone?!" A guy yelled in anger as he glared at the guy standing opposite him, Ayomide who had a combination of incomprehensible emotions dancing in his eyes.

The other guy continued. "Everyone one deserves to know how you always mess up issues at home.... Or do we need to make a call to a certain someone."

I slowly turned my gaze to Ayomide, he didn't say anything, rather he had a smile on his face, it did reach his eyes. He seemed genuinely happy about everything the other guy was blabbing about.

"You deserve to go to jail, Ayo. You're nothing but a lion in sheep's clothing." I darted my gaze to Ayo. I flinched at the sudden tick of his jaw but he still had that smile on his face.

I didn't get it. Didn't understand anything.

Who was that guy?

And why does Ayo deserve to go to jail.

"Bro, chill. It's all normal, it's not...." Ayo managed to let out lowly. He couldn't say the last bit of words and he gritted his teeth in his smile.

The guy turned around and went around a corner just as everyone's eyes followed his movement.

He came back with a broken bottle in his hands, and everyone suddenly began to flee.

I had moved back too in fear of getting hurt of course. I turned to Ayomide who hadn't moved away from the spot he stood, and I suddenly began to panic.

"Ayomide, he's with a broken bottle!" I yelled amist the loud music still booming through speakers.

He turned around slowly, and when his gaze met mine, his smile cracked, then immediately wore a wide grin, he nodded his head as if to give some kind of reassurance and turned back to the guy.

The guy, with all his might, broke the bottle on Ayomide's back and my eyes widened at the shattering sound of the glass bottle breaking. And fear gripped me, hopping none of those bottle parts had gotten pierced into Ayo's body, hoping it didn't hurt as much as I knew it did.

Ayomide looked up and smiled, laughed even as he stared at the bottle parts. Then, he shrugged as if nothing happened, shoved his hands in his pocket and strolled out of the place as everyone's gaze followed his movement in suprise, shock and confusion.

I was confused as well.

I wanted to run after him and know what had really happened there, because it seemed only he and the other guy understood what was being talked about, but who was I to him to do such.

We weren't even friends.

It seemed like this party had been nothing but a place for causing disasters and problems, everyone I met, I had seen where either angry or sad.

What kind of party was this?!

And just when I thought things couldn't get worse, I was able hear a shriek despite the loud music.

It was just a shriek, but I knew who owned it.

I sighed and began to walk towards where the shriek seemed to have come from. And I gasped at the sight.

It was Mandel, and she had been covered in various drinks, parts of her dress was ripped off and her mascara was starting to ooze down her face.

When I turned my head to the side a bit, Daniella was in the same state. They both looked terrible, and I knew what I had to do.

I walked quickly into the house again, up the stairs and unplugged my phone where I had charged it. Then, walked quickly back down and began pulling Mandel out of the area.

To my suprise, our driver never left. He had parked by a mini parking lot.

Mandel suddenly stopped walking and I turned around to see why had stopped. She pulled off her high heels and raced to the car, leaving me behind.

She stepped into the car, just as I did. And all through the drive to her place and mine, none of us said a thing.

I knew if I asked what happened to her, she wouldn't say anything, so I kept silent.

I knew it was a bad idea to go a party she wasn't invited to.

That's when I remembered we had left Ifeoluwa behind.


Hmmm, Mandel please tell us what happened, hmm.

And Ayomide, poor guy got hit with a broken bottle.

What was that guy even saying? Why did he act the way he did?

Who can predict what's going to become of Mandel and Tammy.

Mandel and Ifeoluwa.

What are your thoughts on Tammy's personality?

Benzita13 ❤️

Bye,Benzita13 ❤️

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